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The survivors proceed to their objective: to escape the bloody maze. The EVAC zone was big, supposedly enough to shelter a vast number of evacuees. But now it has turned into a slaughterhouse filled with a bunch of different creatures a man wouldn't want to see.

The four landed into another area with medical tents, of course it was zombie-infested. Dwain and Daeshim swung their weapons and attacked the zombies that were running towards them. While the paramedic was just blocking and pouncing on them using the riot shield he borrowed from Daeshim. The nun just shot her way through. 

Dwain and Daeshim led the way while the paramedic and nun just followed them. After a few hits, Dwain turned to the paramedic and called him.

“Hey doc! You in medical assistance; you know the roundabouts here more than we do!” He yelled to him before smashing another zombie. 

The place was kind of wide for an EVAC zone. It measures probably a total of half a mile radius including the perimeter lines, besides of the other additional checkpoints outside. The paramedic pushed a zombie by his riot shield before responding.

“So!?” He asked back before kicking another infected away from him. 

Dwain thwacked a pair of infected before creasing upon the paramedic's response. “So!? Find us a fuckin' exit!” He frantically asked as he whacked another zombie. 

The paramedic was resisting a few zombies' attacks by blocking them using his shield as he responded. “Ya' see I'm plumb busy right here!” He griped in a tight voice given he's using his strength focusing on holding off some zombies. 

The nun noticed it and immediately shifted her aims towards the zombies that were giving the paramedic a hard time, taking them down. The paramedic quickly gained back some force and thudded a zombie running towards him.

Being in a rush, the nun changed the way she was gripping her SMG and struck a zombie with it, shoving it away from her. Then pulled it back and continued shooting and reloaded right as she ran out of bullets. 

As the paramedic caught back some time, he yelled back to Dwain to answer his question, “There's a respective route made for supplies!, we might could take it!” the medic suggested. 

Dwain was at least relieved as he heard the medic. He then busted an infected before he replied, “Show us the way!”

The paramedic fought off some zombies there and then. He was overwhelmed and disadvantaged by their quantity but it's not a reason to give in. “Cover me then!” He responded loudly, it was also for the others so they could help him to take them there safe and sound. 

The team would go on with the progress and fight their way to push through, their objective is to reach the exit as the paramedic said. They escorted him in order to guard him as he is the only one who knows the whole place well, Dwain was in front of him, then Daeshim and the nun were behind them.

Dwain drove away every single infected that would get ahold of them as they ran, while the medic was just blocking them using his riot shield.

The nun reloaded her gun quickly, then shot some zombies, covering the pair's back. Next she shift her fires towards the ones reaching Daeshim. 

“These bitches could beat a stallion!” Dwain remarked as he beat a zombie and moved forward.

While the medic still got that one last bilejar clipped on his belt but he was thinking if he'll use it right now or not yet. They still have quite a long way to go and many infected to fight before they get to their destination, so he thought, maybe he'll throw his last shot once they reach the exit to buy them some time to escape somehow. 

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now