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He and Brenan were the ones who merely knew the whole locale better. So aside from being upset to see the place they used to live in like that.

Brenan and Dwain both knew they have to use their knowledge of the place to escape from the desolated and zombie-infested borough, so they pulled the trailer and carried on.

The group of survivors proceed and carefully legging it to the sanguinary road past awful things aforementioned.

Each of them move their heads, scrutinizing the whole place as they trudge through the downfall impression of the apocalypse.

"It's like I've seen this first hand" Brenan spouted out of the blue as he was gazing around.

Dwain folded his forehead as he heard him and turned his head a bit enough to imply to Brenan that he was talking to him.

"How's that supposed to mean?" he asked before going back to looking around his way as they walk.

"Well I've come across the chaos back then. Only it was raining planes, fire, building parts, and ashes" Brenan gently answered.

Dwain made that furrowed expression again trying to process Brenan's response. It took him a few seconds before finally getting it.

This time, he turned his head to the medic at all but still not ranging him in sight,

"You was at twin towers?" he funneled with a little bit stupefied tone but confidently sure about the point.

Brenan swiveled sights towards his right side with his eyes narrowed-for a second before answering the man's question.

"Yep..." he responded.

"Of course you did," Jess prompted. "There's always gotta be someone who has a 9/11 backstory."

"Call off the dogs, sister," Dwain implored.

Brenan sighed as he continued with his story. "I was just a probie that time... then been a firefighter there fer a few years before I moved here."

Dwain knows how hard it is for someone to have the complex impact of September attacks on someone, though he doesn't know the feeling of being right there at the scene of the attack.

So that is just how he felt pity for Brenan, yet he chose to stop diving much deeper about that part of his story. He thought that the male may be a little dumb and hilarious but after hearing that experience of his, he knew that some of it was anyhow still afflicting on Brenan's part.

The divulgence of solicitude could be seen at Dwain's face despite fixing his gaze on their way as he was leading the group.

Upon walking their way, Daeshim passes through a mangled corpse with its torso badly torn aside of its legs being cut off.

He couldn't help himself not to see that scenery as he was circling his sights around the place, inexorably ending up seeing it and other things same as or even worse than that.

Daeshim couldn't resist anymore and started gawking before he lapsed and placed his free hand over an abandoned car's roof before bending his body down forward and threw up.

Jess had come to a stop too just right beside the Korean male as she noticed him airing the paunch. While Dwain and Brenan stopped walking too and turned behind them as they heard some gawking.

Brenan's senses kicked in and shook his head again before straightly approached Daeshim. Few coughs and grunts before he gets up and settles himself back as he catches up with his breathing.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now