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"Gypsum to Keystone, acknowledge, Keystone."

"Keystone to Gypsum, you're loud and clear."

"We've received your request for support and medevac. We've chipped in 8 Chinooks for dustoff, carrying 6 APCs and 2 MBTs to assist. And 4 Black Hawks for air support, with 2 of 'em heeled with AGMs. Callsigns “Airwagon” and “Rainfire”. They're airborne and inbound as we speak."

"That's very generous of you, Gypsum. I acknowledge your charity despite our shortcomings." 

"Good works, Good deeds, Colonel."


“Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Lieutenant Colonel Harold Reese of the Colorado National Guard, and this Major John Finch of the U.S. Marines.

Due to Denver command being overrun, some units are now reinstated to Grand Junction. Now they're nearly close to finishing paving one of our main EVAC paths routing up to the state exits. From there, the convoys will cruise until they reach South Weber, Utah, where the survivors will be flown in C-130s waiting at Hill AFB. 

We're expecting the routes to be done by 1800 hours, but for the time being, keep those infected bastards off our walls.”

1847 hours

Silhouettes formed on the skies as the gigantic ball of fire from a distance sunk into the horizon, bringing the nightfall onto the entire valley. Yet, the camaraderie of men is alive within the evacuation zone as if it's still daytime. Nobody would dare to sleep a wink this night given what's at stake.

One factor being the same camaraderie is a slab of why a wide evacuation zone bears such a plain-sailing progress, thus the evacuation process starting already. 

The Keystone Command have begun routing buses with survivors on board onto the routes their enforcers have paved. There are three main evacuation routes established to the dispensation's end, including the one that runs on Grand Junction. All of those lead up to the state exits where the army also sets up checkpoints that divide them from Utah borders.

However, their evacuation process may be smooth, but their defensive movements surge just as fierce as tidal waves in a storm. People fought like hell against the infected, but the darkness arising made it somewhat difficult. Regardless, lead wouldn't stop dropping on the morbid flock. Neither between the two parties just cannot afford to cut off the spur. 

Detective Isla Clyde's unit heads the resistance that was assigned at the Grand Junction route company, which also includes Dwain and his team, who apparently, are carrying out a mission assigned to them.

Apparently, they are part of a row engaging at a swarm in one of the evacuation docks. The men with guns kept their muzzles hot as they wiped out huge waves of the infected. 

Different calibers of bullets are flying from different kinds of guns, piercing through the features of every zombie in the crowd.

Once, a pair of marines man a light machine gun mounted on their sandbag wall. One of them loaded the ammunition belt and closed the hatch, then the other one set several rounds loose. 

On the other hand, a combatant was pinned by a Hunter while clearing out a flank. His brawl with the creature and its claws took a little long as he was somewhat far from the team. 

But soon, the hooded creature suddenly disappears. He slightly swiveled his head, and there he saw two men come to help. 

Dwain has shoved the Hunter off the man before emitting shots at it and bringing it to its death. Whereas Brenan crouched beside the troubled man and checked his wounds. 

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now