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"Okay, the main roads are definitely closed and we're trapped in the labyrinth of death. As far as I see, there are 6 remaining potential routes to the interstate, here... and here." Dwain discussed while pointing fingers on the monitor.

"What if they turn out clogged as well?" Brenan asked.

Dwain glanced around them as he made his response.

"Then we're gonna have to blow the fuck out hard, and dig our way as hell."

Brenan cripped his brows after hearing out Dwain's idea.

"That part sounded poetic and at the same time gross, but..." he paused and shrugged. "...sounds like a fine play."

Dwain nodded and tapped the dashboard following some words, "Hit the pedal then."

And they set everything back in motion again as Brenan hared the rig with a few maneuvers. The medic couldn't be more splendid as he drives proudly, confident as the 10-wheeler aerial he is driving.

Brenan never thought that it would only take a zombie apocalypse for himself to be in a fire truck again. He was not even considering going back into fire duty after the attacks. This moment somehow refreshes his mind of the memories of those tragic times.

But it's different from today. Aside from the present being much worse than the past happenings he had encountered, he has never been more free not to care about running over somebody and crashing.

Yet, he may think that he's invincible but they have to reach Denver in one piece. So he would just repel from ram anything as much as possible to prevent so much damage on their truck.

For Brenan, if the world will end today, he has to fulfill some things even though he was not that ambitious, thus not having that much goals in his life.

"So... Ya' think this is it, sister?" Brenan asks the nun out of curiosity as he drives.

Jess haughtily moved her eyes from the window and gave him some sharp glances. "This is what?" she responded coldly, as she went back to watching the view of the roads as they moved.

The medic took a quick snap at the rear view mirror for a second then looked back on their way as he answered, "Ya' know, the thing? The Revelation shit in the bible. The 'end of the world' part?"

Jess rolled her eyes upon the question, not only does she really do ironically hate talking about religion at all, unless she has to beat somebody to death for it.

"Now you're asking me questions." The woman, however, never removed her sights through the window as she replied.

"Oh c'mon, it's just a... A side question, like... 'Do chickens pee?,' 'Are all nuns virgin,' or... 'What does Marsellus Wallace look like?'," Brenan followed.

"And who the fuck gives a shit about that asshole Marsellus Wallace, whoever the fuck he is?" Dwain intervened.

Jess stays silent and shakes her head, keeping in her mind that she has no time for this even though they, in fact, were doing nothing aside from just sitting their way to Denver.

Her grim silence broke the conversation absurdly quick; nobody dared to follow up with the talk. But her eyes were telling otherwise. There's a diminutive urge within her that's keen to be unraveled.

Jess caught her reflection hardly espied on the glass window. Normally, silence soothes her fine. But for the first time, silence rendered her uneasy like a four-week old kitten.

A few moments after, the nun gasped for a deep inhale and couldn't help the sets of words to unravel from her mouth.

""For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened."" she quoted while still staring at the window.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now