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Dwain unlocked the reinforced door while Daeshim stood back as he raised the gun. The zombie from outside heard the clanking and immediately ran and pounded at the door. But Dwain was strong enough to push the reinforced door hard causing the zombie to topple down the staircase and stumble back followed by some grunts.

As the door was opened, other zombies snapped their heads towards their direction and quickly swarmed the two. Dwain's impeccable strength allowed him to pull up the fire extinguisher with his bare hands and strike the first infected coming his way.

Another zombie came. Dwain climbed down the staircase and landed straight to the ground before kicking it, pushing it away from him as he switched to the extinguisher and grabbed its handle. Its base hit the third zombie straight on its head, taking it down at once. 

The second zombie was about to get up back on its feet from being kicked when Daeshim followed outside and blasts its head. The zombie shrieked as the shot was made and lied on the ground lifeless.

The pale Asian’s eyes were glazed as he aimed. It was the first time he shot a real gun but he managed to absorb its kick unlike some beginners. He also played video games before so he knew the basics of how guns work somehow. But apart from it, he's not knowledgeable about gun specs at all, the important thing is he knows how to shoot. Daeshim then swiftly shifted his aim to another zombie and fired. Another one down.  He followed Dwain downstairs, and more enemies were coming. 

Dwain switched hands holding the fire extinguisher. He grabbed the nozzle and pointed it to them. And then squeezed the handle, releasing its agent, enough to slow the zombies down while slowly, and bravely walking towards them. He swept the nozzle to and fro as he stunned the herd before he stopped, then Daeshim picked them off.

Dwain then suddenly turned towards the horde rallying to the side of the trailer, and they caught their attention. His heart jumped and his adrenaline kicked in. The zombies dashed at them like lions at their prey.

He grabbed the bilejar and lobbed it towards them. The toss was so strong that it flew above all of them. The jar broke as it hit the ground, releasing a green chemical followed by smoke of the same color. Its odor instantly diverted the horde directly, the zombies then left them for the bile and gathered around it. The diversion was successful. 

The man looked at Daeshim and called him up. “Go, go, go!” He whispered as he trots the way passing the other trailers, Daeshim lowered the gun and followed him. 

On their way, they encountered another group of zombies once again. Dwain was walking first, behind him was Daeshim. Dwain wielded the nozzle and released another blow. It slowed the zombies down and the two jogged past them. They got away from the trailer, but the infected mob didn't stop. 

Dwain widened his eyes as he saw the horde wave raging like a tsunami rushing towards them. The chills on Dwain's body ran as if a lightning struck, ripping his body from inside and quickly moving their feet as he exclaimed, “Shit, Run!”

Needless to say, it freaked Daeshim out and sprinted with him. But there are few zombies blocking their way, pushing Dwain to aim the nozzle again and sweep them off the trail. 

As they passed through that other horde, Daeshim turned and faced the zombies behind them and fired. He was so nervous that he no longer knew what he was doing. But it wouldn’t slow them down. Their growls and squeals sounded like hellhounds rose along with the hell they brought to the world. It’s just more scary to think that those sounds were produced by people, infected people who used to talk in words. Together, they are unstoppable, and would destroy everything that will block their way.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now