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Dwain grinned and narrowed his eyes on pain. His heart was racing upon panic and intensity of the events.

He then found himself watching a zombie running towards him as he held onto the moving truck.

It made him jump out of his skin in agony, and it was in that one moment that he thought he was gonna die.

But as the zombie was inches closer, he heard a few single shots above him, gunning it down in an instant.

And as he swiveled his head up, he saw Jess cleaved at the ladder, holding her rifle with one hand, pointed at his direction as she used the other to support her stance.

Turns out the nun has already climbed up the ladders quicker as she was nearer to the outrigger.

"I may be cold, but that would be embarrassing if you're gonna die of your own idea." Jess taunted as she ticked the switch back to full auto.

Dwain just sighs and immediately switches his hands, gripping the bar as tight as he could, and pushes himself from the outrigger up to the truck's base, when his radio emits Brenan's voice.

"How're y'all holdin' back'n up yonda'?" followed by a short static sound.

Panting, yet Dwain strives to clasp his radio and press the speak button.

"Somehow in one piece..." as he was looking at the nun. "Good job fo' you," he praised as he handed her a harness.

Jess neatly took the harness and gave him a sharp look, "Let's get this done," the nun proffered with a shrug on her head.

As they Dwain comes first before Jess as they were carefully tramping through the ladder with their hands running on the handrail, moving towards the rear side of the aerial ladder.

When the two reached the vantage point, they locked the clip on their utility belts then to each side of the base ladder's rails for them not to fall down by any chance.

And a swarm of zombies fast enough to reach them appeared on their watch. They positioned themselves by each other's side and drew their rifles.

"Find any possible way to pin their pack, otherwise only shoot what you can kill." Dwain advised before putting himself in an appropriate stance.

Seconds passed after a short static sound came from his radio followed by Brenan's voice again.

"Yow, I'm gonna try things by hook or crook ta' make this piece of junk gearshift work 'my way', so expect a bit of falloffs any moment!" the medic announced.

Dwain then clutched his radio and responded, "10-4 doc, you do what you gotta do," as he raises his carbine.

"Why do both at the same time, I guess?" Jess rebutted congruently to Dwain's first order after hearing Brenan from his radio as he aimed her long gun at the horde chasing after them.

As the pair pulled their triggers and started firing rapid shots towards the horde.

In the fire truck's cab on the other hand, Brenan began to work on some methods and pondered his best to fix the gears, when he called out to Daeshim.

"Hey I could use some hands here," he told the Korean male.

Daeshim recognized that the medic needed help with something so he eagerly moved over to the passenger's seat and wondered what would he be use of.

"What do I do?" he asked him.

"Please turn on the comms so we could catch some frequencies for help," Brenan ordered him as he pointed to the radio above the Korean male, which the latter then noticed right away and turned it on.

(Book 1) Left 4 Dead 3: First BloodWhere stories live. Discover now