Chapter 1: Whats A Watch Doing In Outer Space?

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Somewhere in the depths of space, a man lay bloody clutching his wound, coughing large amounts of blood. As an eerie voice below throughout. The man had been clutching a silver sphere in his remaining hand as his life depended on it.

"You have lost,"

The bloody man coughed out more blood his arm had been severed has he gave a toothy grin, which truly angered the other indivual who was obscured in the shadows but his red eyes pierced through the darkness.

" You...will never.." The man was struggling to get his words out. wheezing through every word." Get...the ...omnitrix... Vilgax"

"I beg to differ. You can not fight me anymore. Your throat his burnt out. You were a fine warrior, Dragon of the"

The man could only chuckle as his vision was slowly fading as the being known as Vilgax crouched down and took the sphere from his hand. The man couldn't help but question the warlords actions.

"Why not just kill me?"

"Oh, I will. But before you die, I want to see the look on your face when you realize you have failed, and the whole universe will fall, and there's not a being in this galaxy that stands in my way!"

As he opened the pod excitement on the warlords face but soon formed to a scowl...

"Wha-What is this?! Where is the omnitrix!"

As he pulled out, the only thing within the pod was what was seemingly to be a photo that he crushed in his hand before he heard a small chuckle. As he turned to the man with a glare.

"Oh? Did I mix it with laundery again? My bad."

Vilgax, in fit of anger, clenched his cyborgatic arm and punched a whole right through the man. The man had few thoughts on his mind

"I'm sorry, Inko. But it doesn't look like I'm coming home. I never got to tell Izuku how much I love him! I hope he knows even without a quirk he will be the greatest hero! Oh and Inko, my dear Inko, I can't imagine my life without you! Please don't cry..."

He let out a small chuckle.

"Oh, who am I kidding? You're going to drown our son with those tears. But that's one of the many reasons I love you so damn much! I hope you know I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this life, I didn't want to make you worry. But..."

As Vilgax pulled his fist from the man's chest and began to walk away his arm bloody, as then he heard the man speak.


" ....Hope you find it in your heart to forgive me, the omnitrix is in route to my DNA signature but the only remaining would be Izuku and right now he;s ten years, judging by the distance the omnitrix should reach the boy when his around fifteen. I'm sorry this burden falls on you."

The being turned around to see the man holding a trigger in his hand. Vilgax widened in shock and fear.

" A Fusion grenade?!"

"Not just any Fusion Grenade this baby will destroy your entire ship and fleet!"

"Y-You--This was your plan from the beginning, wasn't!?"

"I know this won't kill you, but it will give the Universe a good 6 years of peace! before you get back up again, but till then, they will be a hero who will rise and end your reign!!"

As he pressed the button as a massive explosion engulfed the entire amarda of warships destroying them.

Back on Earth a women and her 10 year old son were home, Inko Midoriya had been making her son some Katsudon it was the young boys birthday and even though he had no quirk and he was constantly being put on by others he didn't loose that smile that was on his face.

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