41 Alexander

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My time is up. These past 3 days have gone by too quickly and I feel like I'm going to fucking vomit which would be impossible because I haven't had an appetite these past few days. My knees bounce up and down as I sit at my desk waiting for Bear to reply to me. Why is he taking so fucking long to reply to me?  I take a sip of my coffee just to keep my hands busy from tapping against my desk. It tastes like cardboard and I instantly regret taking a sip of it. I pull up my phone and am met with Juliette's tracker; she's at work where she should be and knowing that helps calm me a little. My phone blows up with texts from Bellamy with the instructions Bustrov has left for me prior to my.......appearance. I have not bothered to open them at all. I call Bear again. 

"Nothing has changed from your previous call of 5 minutes ago, boss."

I hang up and toss my phone onto the desk and stalk toward the floor-to-ceiling window in my office. 

Juliette is sitting between my legs in the bathtub of my apartment as we try to relax for the evening. My heart is still pounding from the intense orgasm I just had and I try to calm my breathing down. Moments like these make it hard to be present because all I can think about is how I won't be able to have this with her every night. Can I make her a  mistress? No, absolutely not, but then what do I do? I've considered highering someone anonymous to officially off Bustrov but he's head of the Bratva in Vegas. That would stir up trouble. I've considered just tossing the deal aside but Bustrov knows something I don't and until I figure that out, I can't just make rash decisions. If Bustrov knew about my father sleeping around with New York's don's wife then that was probably what he held over my father's head and if that's the case, fuck the agreement. My father's dead anyway, he wouldn't care. But then that would stir up trouble because all of my hard work would be diminished to nothing. Being a son to a Bastard. Don  Bianchi will be livid with me for something my father did. Not only that but Bustrov would be furious with me as well and those are a lot of big heads trying to take me out. 

"You're quiet tonight."

"Sorry, angel. A lot going on at work." I answer softly. I hate lying to her about what I do and how I feel. I hate her not knowing me and I hate that she doesn't push to want to know me fucking better. 

"You can talk to me about it, you know?"

I lean my forehead onto the back of her head.

"I know, baby."

When I stay quiet Juliette's body gets rigid. She's closing off knowing that I won't tell her. She places her hands on the side of the tub about to lift her body up but I  briefly tighten my arms around her. She settles back down for a couple of seconds before attempting to get up again but this time I let her. I'm aggravated already and knowing she's closing herself off will only aggravate me more. Then I know her way of coping is to be by herself but the fact that I'm causing her to do that sets me off anyway. I hear her moving around in the room and wish that I had the energy to comfort her but I don't know what to do or what to say. Even during times of it just being us I'm robbed of being in the moment with her.

I know she has sensed the strain between us. Me in my head trying to find a way out of this fuckery was going to cost me her if the wedding doesn't. I turn around and eye my phone, feeling like bashing it into the desktop to get rid of some of this energy I have coursing through me. Then it rings and I sprint towards it. 

"What do you have for me."

"Your father and Bustrov never contacted each other. They used a middleman for everything up until the day they signed the deal in person which is why it was so hard to find evidence of any of their conversations."

"Cut to the chase, Bear."

My heart is pounding so hard I can hear it. I can fucking feel it pumping the blood out into my body. My heart that beats now so vicariously all because of one woman.

"Bustrov knew. He used it as lever-"

I hang up after hearing the confirmation. That's all I was waiting on. I don't care what comes after but there will be no wedding. I can come clean to Juliette or I won't even have to mention this to her. It'll just be a hiccup during the start of us. Bustrov can release the information all he wants, my father is dead and there won't be anything Bianchi can do to me that will ever keep me away from my woman. I continue making my way down the elevator so that I can go see Juliette at the diner. I smile at the realization that I can have my angel every night with me. Every day. I'll get to see her smile, cook, and I'll get to fuck her. I'll be there for every important moment in her life, in our life. God, I have never wanted anything this badly and the realization of it all happening now has me excited and relieved. I dial Bellamy, "I'm out for the rest of the day. Cancel any meetings and I'm not to be disturbed at all."

My angel deserves all of my attention today and onward. I've been too absent these past couple of days and I just need her today. I get into my car and speed across town to the diner Juliette works at. I take my usual parking spot across the street and head inside. Juliette will be so excited to see me. It's still only eleven so she won't be expecting me yet. I smile at the thought of surprising her then think that I'll have to do it more often. The chime above the entryway goes off and I see that Juliette isn't at the counter like she usually is. I look down the line of tables and don't see Juliette there either. Maybe she's in the bathroom? I know lunchtime gets busy so she might have taken a break before then. I rush to the back of the diner where the restrooms are and pause before opening the women's door. Fuck it, no one is keeping me from her now. I barge into the women's restroom to find it empty. Huh, maybe she's in the break room? I rush back out across the hall only to find that room empty as well. Where the fuck could she be? The diner isn't that big. Gritting my teeth, I turn back out and head towards Bobby's office. I find Bobby typing into his older desktop.

"Hey, son. How can I help you today?" he says looking up from the keyboard.

"Hey, Bobby. You know where Heaven is?"

"Oh, thought you knew. She said she wasn't feeling well. She left about half an hour ago."

Huh, it's funny she thinks that she didn't feel the need to text me. The last time I looked at her tracker she was still at work. It's fine, she's probably just at home. I'll punish her after I get her feeling better. 

"She must've not been feeling well at all, she was crying. Take care of her, would ya?"

I nod and quickly walk back out to my car. I open the tracker on my phone which shows Juliette at her home. Perfect, that's closer. I call Juliette and become irritated when she doesn't pick up. She better be deathly ill to not be picking up my phone call. I pull out and speed into traffic towards her apartment which wouldn't have to be the case if she just agreed to moving in with me. The feelings of irritation leave me as I begin to dream of the way we'll be celebrating today and when she asks me why we're celebrating I'll finally be able to tell her and mean it. Knowing that I'll go to bed every night and wake up every morning with Juliette in my bed pushes any irritating feelings away. I just want to be able to hold her right now. But the only thing that greets me upon opening her door is her absence. I see her phone lying on the kitchen table, I see all of her belongings in their designated places. Nothing abnormally out of place except the old camera missing she usually has on her bookshelf. All of her clothes are still in her closet. I turn around and stare at her empty apartment. Where the fuck could she have gone? And without her phone? I dial Bellamy.

"Find Juliette. Access all cameras in the fucking city and report back to me as soon as you find her."

I hang up and stare down at Juliette's phone. Why did she leave it? She knows to always take it with her wherever she goes.  Was she that sick? I call Bellamy again and demand him to check all of the Emergency departments in the city. What if she is deathly ill and she cant reach me? Or worse, what if she's hurt? What if someone hurt her? How dare they touch her. That irritating feeling comes back tenfold. I clench and unclench my fist. How dare they fucking touch the most precious person on this earth. 

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