7 Alexander

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Heaven. I knew that face didn't suit a Candy. She twirls herself down the pole with her long, strong, and tanned legs. The song she has on is slow and seductive and I wished so fucking badly that this dance was only for my eyes. I don't doubt that every shithead in here is hard for her. I grit my teeth. I showed up at 9 today and didn't see her face until now. The schedule Jensen gave me was messed up, I'll pay him another little visit. I wait until she finishes her performance, toss back the rest of my whiskey, and head to Jensen's office. I barge in without knocking and am met with a girl on her knees sucking Jensen off.

"Oh, fuck" he says while pushing the girls head away. He stuffs himself back into his pants.

I'm honestly surprised that at his age, he's still able to get it up. 

"Mr. Van Doren, I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be here so early" he says out of breath.

I look down at the blond whose now rising up off her knees. 

"Star, leave us."

The blond walks towards me and slows down to make eye contact. Probably hoping I'd take up on any of her offers. I don't even glance at her. There's only one woman I want and it's not her. I wait until the door closes behind me.

" Heaven" I grit out.

"Excuse me?"

" Heaven. No one is allowed into the club during her performances from here on out."


"Are you deaf? Or just fucking stupid? No. One. Sees Heaven dance from tonight onwards. I'll pay you to make up for the loss."

"I'll talk to Brandi. The girls perform in 15 minute increments. You want me to cease entrance for a total of 1 hr a night?" he questions incredulously. 

"Do whatever is necessary to make sure she performs for no one again. If not, I'll burn this place down. And Jensen, I never make a threat I don't follow through with. You know that."

Jensen responds by nodding his head multiple times.

"Y-yes sir. Whatever needs to be done, I'll make sure it happens."

I walk back out towards the club. Heaven won't be performing until another hour; I've memorized her damn schedule already. She starts her shift at 7:45 and her first performance isn't until a quarter before 9. She continues with that schedule every hour, performing a quarter before the next hour. Looks like I'll be here until 3 when the club closes.

Heaven heads to the back where I'm guessing the dressing rooms are. She must be gathering her belongings to head out for the night. I stay sitting in the private room I first saw her in. I don't want to meet my little angel yet. I want to watch her first, learn everything about her first. I head down to the entrance and get into my dark gray AudiR8, waiting for her to leave the club. It's just another couple minutes before I see her face again. She's dressed in black leggings, a pair of white Chuck Taylors and a jacket. Her hair is down and her face is wiped free of the makeup it's usually got on. She hangs a left and I turn the engine on. I wait until she's further out of the parking lot before slowly pulling out. There are so many things in my world that always feel so wrong. Wrong timing, wrong place, wrong guy, wrong kill, but this? This feels so right. Watching her and tailing her home. I stay about 5 cars behind her so I don't alert her. There aren't many cars on the road at this time of the night and I get pissed that she would be walking home alone at this hour. Is she crazy? She eventually makes a right off of the main road and heads toward an older 5 story building. She approaches the front door, looks to the left and right then inserts her key in. I do this exact same thing for the next 3 nights. Watching her, memorizing the way she unconsciously swipes her right middle finger over her right eyebrow when she's nervous or frustrated. Memorizing the way her right foot slightly points outwards when she walks. I've never enjoyed learning about someone so much....until her.

Man of Veracity- FinishedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora