11 Alexander

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It's 2 in the afternoon and my little angel remains sleeping in her bed.

"No, I'll be working from out of the office today. Cancel all of my meetings today. How did Bustrova react?"

"He was upset at first, sir. But of course lightened up after receiving your gift."

Of course he did. 

" Make sure you have Smith stop by the docks to receive the shipments tonight."

"Yes sir."

"I am not to be bothered the rest of the day unless something is burning, understand?"

"Yes sir"

I hang up the phone and walk back towards Heaven's room. I hate calling her that. I hate not knowing her real name and calling her by it. I stand by the entrance of her doorway just staring at her. She's so damn beautiful. I want to take her away and keep her to myself forever. Her eye twitches in her sleep and the corner of my mouth lifts. She moves around a lot in her sleep. She looks so peaceful and quiet when she's asleep. Such the opposite of when she's awake. She's definitely going to give me a run for my money. Last night was not my best work; things got out of hand. She's just way more stubborn than I thought she'd be. She kept rubbing her hands deeper into the rope and I didn't want it cutting into her precious skin. Then she went ahead and ran for the door again; I had no choice but to sedate her. God, she's going to be livid with me and the worlds going to know it. She turns and  I notice when her body starts to wake up.

"Good, you're awake. Let's talk."

"We already did. Last night"

"What's your name?"

"Why are you still here?"

"You're not allowed to answer a question with another question. What's your name?"

"Heaven. Didn't you hear them announce my name at the club?"

"What's your real name?"

"I go by Heaven, so you can call me Heaven."

She's not gonna make this easy. That's fine, I snipped a strand of her hair for Bellamy to run and had him stop by to pick it up already this morning. I should know my angels real name by any moment now actually.

"I'm Alexander."

"I didn't ask"

"Are you hungry?" I ask.

"No" but her stomach growls loudly.

I turn around and head back to the kitchen. "I made you some lunch. Eat."

"I don't trust that you didn't put any drugs in it. You drugged me twice last night."

"You were being difficult"

"Me? You're the one that was sitting in the dark in MY apartment. And I'm the one being difficult?"she yells from her room.

God, I could do this with her all day. Bicker back and forth. It gets me so fucking hard. 

"Yes, and you're being difficult now. Eat"

She didn't have much in her fridge so I put together an egg sandwich for her.I also snooped around her apartment but she keeps it very tidy and minimal. I did find a box of needles that I sent a picture of to Bellamy asking what kinds of needles they were and he has yet to get back to me. She appears in the doorway of her bedroom wearing the shirt I put on her last night. There was only so much of her tits I could take before I jerked off while she slept. She stomps over to her small dining table.

"I'm only eating because I haven't had food in the past 12 hours"

My phone vibrates with a message from Bellamy. Insulin needles. It's used for shots in sub-q fat to deliver insulin to people with diabetes. She's a diabetic? She doesn't look like a diabetic. Aren't diabetics usually older and bigger? I look at her as she inhales the sandwich. She's so sexy, the way she sits on the edge of the seat with her tanned legs crossed.  I want her. I don't think I've every wanted anything this badly before. I want her so badly and I always get what I want.

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