14 Juliette

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Everywhere I turned, Alexander was there. My home, the street I take home every night, the club.  And I didn't have many places to go, so the fact that he knew where I went all the time should have worried me. But, it didn't. I think I actually liked it. It was just awkward because I was so used to it just being me for all of these years. 

"Heaven, your new routine. Do it tonight. We have a very important guest coming in."

My ears perk up at this news. A new guest? I've gone days with no one in the club during my performance except for the private room that's always booked. Must be someone with money. I stuff down 2 granola bars before I start getting ready for my show. I was so busy today I forgot to eat lunch. Speaking of lunch, I run over and check my sugar really quick before injecting my stomach with some insulin.

"Fucking junkie" is snickered.

I turn around and face Candy. "It's an insulin needle. Educate yourself before jabbing at me next time. Do you even know what insulin is, Candy?"

I take her silence as a no and turn back to apply eyeliner.

I take a deep breath in. I'm usually never nervous before I go on but for some reason, tonight I am. Maybe it's because its a new routine? I feel sick. I shouldn't even care this much. But I do, and I don't freaking even know why. I head towards the pole near the front of the stage and wait for the lights to turn on. The morning by The weekend comes on over head and the curtains open. The place is empty again except for one dark figure sitting in the middle of the dark club. I feel goosebumps grace my skin and take a shaky breath in determined to dance my new routine. I grind on the pole then drop down to my knees and crawl towards the edge of the stage locating the figure in the middle of the club. I lift my upper body up but remain on my knees and caress my tits. This feels intimate. Too intimate and I don't like it. It feels wrong and I start to feel self conscious about my body. I notice my movements become too jerky and not as smooth. I stand up and turn away taking a deep breath in.  Focus Juliette. Keep your head in the game. I caress the pole and slowly roll my hips to the beat still facing away from the figure. I turn back around and locate where the figure was sitting but no longer see it. No, instead, I'm met with very familiar brown eyes. No. Alexander? Why is he here? Oh no, what was I supposed to do next? A warm hand lands on my right ankle. I make eye contact with him and am met with furrowed eyebrows. The warm hands run up my calf and before I know it, I'm upside down facing his back. What just happened?

"You're done for the night. In fact, your done period."

It takes a bit of time for my brain to catch up with the last 30 seconds.

"What are you doing? Put me down." 

I try wiggling my hips around and lifting my head up. I feel all of the blood rushing to my face and start to get out of breath.

"Your shoulder is basically stabbing into my belly and I'm going to throw up"

I immediately stop talking at the cold blast of air. Oh, he did not just walk outside with me thrown over his shoulders in lingerie.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's freezing. Put me down."

He stays quiet and continues to walk to who knows where. I hear a car door beep and suddenly I'm thrown back onto something soft but cold.

"There. Better?"

"What are you doing? Why are you here again?"

He responds by slamming the car door and walks around the front of the car. As soon as he gets in I reach for the door handle on my side but he's much quicker and locks it. 

"Let me out. It's freezing."

"It's even colder outside, sweetheart. I can turn the heat on if you give me a minute."

"Alexander, what is this? I'm not done with my shift."

"You have the rest of the night off. In fact, I talked to Jensen and he said you could have all nights off."

"You did what?" I mean, I knew the club was getting empty during my performances but a warning would have been nice. I don't have enough saved up. My face is warm now and its not from the heat blasting.

"I didn't do anything. Jensen did that. What I am going to do though, is take you home, shower, change, and then I'm going to fuck you, Juliette."

Woah woah woah. Fuck me? And did he just call me what I think he did?

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