21 Alexander

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"Sir, Bustrov is calling again." Bellamy says as I walk into my office. i haven't even sat down yet and people are already demanding things from me.

"Fine, put him through." I grit out.

I wait for the phone to ring five times before picking it up.

"Alexander, you're quite difficult to get a hold of."

"My apologies, Mr. Bustrov, I stay a busy man."

"Please, it's William. And I'll ignore the fact that it has taken this long to get a hold of you. I'm guessing you know as to why I am calling."


"Let's set up a time and a place to discuss the plans. This has gone on much longer than I would like."

I try to take a deep breath in. My chest feels tight. It feels like my time is running out and I can't breath. It feels like I have hands squeezing my heart not allowing the blood to pump into my body. It's ok, I'll figure something out. I always do. So, play along for now. I chant to myself.

"Yes sir" And although I utter these two words don't set anything in stone, they might as well be signing my life with Juliette away.

"Sir, she's left home."

"What?" I ask looking up from my computer.

"She just left her apartment. Ms. Grasso appears to be heading towards the club."

Fuck. Why? Wasn't I clear with her the other day? Seems like my little angel needs me to remind her. I finish up my email and power my monitor down.

"Make sure Bear checks the docks tonight. Be ready to head out early morning. I've changed my mind and want to pay Emir Popov a visit. It seems his son didn't learn his lesson the first time. I slide my gloves on and walk down to get into my Aston Martin Vantage. I should be arriving at La Fleur's just on time to meet Juliette. Seems like everyone just wants to defy me today. I pull up in front of La Fleur's five minutes later and have seemed to beat Juliette.

"Mr. Van Doren, I was not expecting you here today."

"Where's Jensen?"

"In his office, sir."

I glance outside again to make sure Juliette isn't here yet and head back to Jensen's office.

"Jensen, we need to have a talk." I say barging in.

Jensen who was sitting at his desk immediately stands.

"Mr. Van Doren, what a pleasure. Uh- yes, what can I help you with."

"Heaven will be walking into your front door any minute now, she is not allowed entrance to the changing rooms. She will no longer be performing for you."

"Ah yes, I notified her yesterday already per your instructions. I-I thought she understood."

"Have security fucking escort her if you need to, but not one mark on her, you understand?"

Jensen nods quickly. I take a deep breath in and immediately feel lighter. I walk back out to the front and hear my angels voice.

"Just let me in to talk to him. He'll understand. Please, it's urgent."

"Jensen said you're not allowed on the premises, Heaven." a security guard says while grabbing her upper arm to steer her back outside. And something about that ticks me off. I don't want anyone else's hand touching her skin. That's a privilege only I get.

"Remove your hand from her arm or I will do it myself." I say calmly.

All eyes turn towards me.

"Great, now you're here." Juliette mumbles and rolls her eyes. Oh, she'll pay for that tonight.

The security guard removes his hands.

"Heaven, you need to leave. This is trespassing. You no longer are employed here."

Heaven looks at me and huffs then turns to leave. I wait a couple of seconds knowing she's furious with me before following her out.

"You psycho. You did this, now fix it."

" I already told you, I didn't do anything. Jensen is the one that fired you, did he not?"

"Because of you" she shouts.

She turns around and starts walking towards the main strip.

"If you even think about trying to get another job at another strip club I will chain you to my bed." I say catching up to her.

"And unlike last time, I will fucking do it, Juliette. You will not push me on this." I whisper into her ear.

She remains quiet although I know she's stewing inside. I rest my forehead on the back of her head and take a deep breath of her in. If only she knew how crazy she drove me. If only she knew the desperate lengths I'd go to to have her all to myself. I wish I could share these feelings with her so that she'd feel just a sliver of what I do.

Man of Veracity- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now