12 Juliette

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Ok, this is getting really freaky now. The man, Alexander, is still here in my apartment. He's made lunch for me and he even cleaned the dishes up. Am I being punked? I look around for any cameras. Nope, not punked. He's sitting on my couch in the makeshift living room with his right ankle crossed on his left thigh.

"Ok, dude, listen, it's been cool and all hanging out with you, but shouldn't you get going?"


"Alexander" I whisper.

His pupils dilate and he stares at me.

"Say it again"

His voice, did I just cream my panties? Jeeze, I really have lost it. This man has drugged me twice and tied me up and now causing my pussy to ache? He did make me lunch, and he dressed me. He smiles, clearly knowing the affect he has on me. 

"I'm not playing any of your stupid games. What do you want?"

"I'm a man of honesty, Heaven. So, even though it'll frighten you, I'm going to tell you anyways. You."

"Excuse me?"

"I want you."

"You don't even know me."

"Oh, but I do. I know you run your right middle finger over your right eyebrow when you're stressed. I know how your right foot slightly turns outward when you walk. I know how you toss and turn in your sleep and that you're a diabetic. I know you always look both ways before entering your building every morning. And I know you wear a 32B."

"You looked at my fucking tits without my permission?"

"You had them out most of the night, sweetheart."

I'm breathless from all the things he just listed. How does he know I'm a diabetic? Has he been watching me all of this time? How long? My mind starts to recall the past week and nothing jumps out. I only remember him from the night I slipped outside of the club. I hear the blood rushing in my ears. My respiratory rate increases. How did I not notice? Juliette, you've gotten sloppy.

"I won't harm you. Ever. That's the truth."

"You drugged me last night."

"Last night shouldn't have happened. I didn't mean for it to go that way."

"Really? Is that why you were waiting for me in the dark?"

He smiles, scoffing, then shakes his head.

"Never a dull moment with you."

Why does he talk to me like he knows me?

"Why do you want me?"

"Good question, I'll explain over dinner."

Oh, the bastard. He's sly, I'll give him that.

"Explain now"

"I explain over dinner or I don't explain at all. You're the one at a disadvantage here."

I sigh and weigh the options. Then I choose the most reasonable one.

Man of Veracity- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now