19 Alexander

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I watch Juliette sitting in her living room from the screen. She's silent again, in her own head. I wonder where she goes? It's so different from the Juliette around me; she's the total opposite. 

"Sir, here are the files you asked for" Bellamy says.

He hands the files over and I start flipping through the pages. Matteo deGrasso. He's the only Grasso, his family line ended with his death. There was a fire at his residence. He lived on hundreds of acres and no one knows who started the fire. He married in his early 30's to Elena Bonetti and they never had any children. I find it so weird that it was so challenging to find out who Juliette really was. There's no way they could be related, but then again, there weren't any other Grasso's I knew of. I've considered questioning Juliette, but she's not exactly an open book. Demanding things from her will only have her defying me, my little hellion. I'll have to eventually settle on a name for her, but it's so hard to when she's just so much of everything. I smile at just the thought of her sassy mouth. Speaking of her sassy mouth, it's been too long since I've heard it.

"Bellamy, get Bear to see if he can find anything else on Matteo degrasso's death."

"Yes sir. Um, Bustrova also called again. He wants to meet next week."

I ponder on whether I should prolong our meeting again. He won't be happy pushing back this date again. I didn't want to think about Bustrova right now. I didn't want to think about anything that didn't involve Juliette Grasso right now.

"I'll get back to him when I can."

Bellamy nods and excuses himself. Time for me to see my little hellion again.

I start to insert my key into the lock but then think better of it and lift my hand up to knock on the door. I want her to answer the door willingly. I knock three times before I hear her behind the door.

"Go away, Alexander."

I close my eyes and smile. I love hearing my name from her lips.

"Juliette, you and I both know that I'm getting in either way."

"Go away, you psycho. Didn't you get the message earlier?"

Ok fine, we'll do this my way. I insert the key into the lock and it doesn't turn automatically. My heart stops but then after wiggling the key, it gives away. I release the breath I was holding. It wouldn't surprise me if she did change the locks, although I'm glad she didn't. I open the door to Juliette putting her sneakers on.

"Where are you going?"

"To work"

I snicker. She turned her notice in yesterday, I thought I told her. Guess I didn't.

"You really are asking for me to chain you to my bed aren't you, sweetheart?"

"Don't you dare threaten me. I don't have time for your crazy, some of us have to work."

"Juliette, I might have been easy on you this morning, but don't think it'll happen again."

"What is wrong with you?" she yells out of frustration. Now she knows how I feel when I'm trying to get work done. She heads towards the door beside me and I grab her arm.


"Let go, you psycho. This needs to stop. I don't know if you think I'm someone else or something. You've got the wrong person mister."

"Enough, gather your things."

"I'm sorry? Did you not hear me?"

"I did. and I'm not confusing you with anyone else. Now, please gather your things or I'm taking you without them."

"I'll call the police right now."

"Go ahead, sweetheart. It'll be a nice reunion."

She goes quiet and continues to stare at me then the door.

"Don't test me tonight. Gather your things now." I say pulling her closer to me. Our lips are only centimeters apart. I feel the breath she exhales and it smells of apples and her. I tangle my fingers into her hair and guide her lips the remaining distance. Her lips are soft but hesitant as I probe them open with my tongue. She pushes against my chest while trying to turn her head away from me so I control her head with my hands. She eventually gives in and pulls me closer. Yes, baby. Always closer. I place my hands under her ass cheeks and lift her until her legs wrap around my hips. Her hands pull the hair at the nape of my neck and I groan. 

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