26 Alexander

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My angel, looking every bit the opposite of that tonight in her long strapless satin black gown with a high slit up her left leg. Her dainty arms sheathed in the black lace gloves and her Louboutin heels with the pop of red make her look every bit the devil. My little hellion. How she can take on both parts and play them so perfectly? I have no idea. My heart clenches looking at her from across the table. She's sipping her wine and conversing with the wife of a potential business partner. Ok, so, I might have lied earlier but she wouldn't have agreed to go out if she knew we were meeting for business. But I want everyone to know she's mine. I may not be able to share that fact with everyone in my more dangerous life, but as I can with my business life, I will. She laughs at something and I immediately hate that everyone around us gets to hear it. It's so beautiful and should only be for my ears to hear. I clear my throat and her attention turns to me. I reach across under the table and make contact with the silky skin of her left leg. She stops laughing. I trail my hand up her thigh and her pupils dilate. My Juliette is a light weight; She's definitely tipsy now. I smile at knowing that this is one of the moments I get to experience with her until the wedding. I've decided I won't tell her. I'm just going to have to figure something out because I can't, for the love of god, live a single minute without this woman by my side. The lighting is very low and the black table cover hides my hand. My hand is at the junction of her thighs now. Fuck, she's wet. Time to go home.

I close the door to my apartment and follow Juliette. There's a chair in the middle of the living room with a pole in the middle.

"Wh-what's going on here, Alexander?"

"You look so fucking sexy, baby" I respond.

She stands nervously.

"I have a box sitting on my bed. I want you to go in there and put on what's in that box. Leave absolutely everything else on, understand?"

"What do you mean?"

"You understood everything I said, Juliette. You have 5 minutes." I say sternly.

She fumbles but then turns to head toward my room. I sit on the chair and the longer she takes the more I start to become angry. Angry that I can't have this every night for the rest of my life. Angry at the idiot fuck my father is and angry that I can't find a way out of the fucking deal. Angry that I know everything that makes Juliette her but not what made her into the woman she is today. Especially angry for the stunt she pulled today. I hear a heel clack on the marble floor to my right and turn towards her. She steps out hesitantly and I see her left leg peek out with the garter . The slit is high, up to her hip and shows just enough skin to keep me with a constant hard on. 

"What did you do for lunch today, baby?" I grit out.


"What did you do for lunch today?"

"Oh, I just stayed in at the diner. Had a sandwich."


"Oh, really? So, you didn't go anywhere?"

She shakes her head from side to side.

"Really? Because a little bird told me you paid Jensen a visit at the club."

Hey eyes widen, surprised that I found out her little secret. She still doesn't seem to understand that I know every little move she makes. Fuck yeah I did and I was livid. She went back to plead Jensen for her job back. The only person she'll be stripping for is me now. 

" You wanna strip baby? Then strip for me. I'll fucking pay you for it since that's why you went back there, right? For the money? For what I don't know but you strip only for me now, Juliette. And if I find out that you ever offer to strip for anyone else, you'll have hell to pay."

Man of Veracity- FinishedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant