2 Alexander

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"Mr. Van Doren, Popov is requesting to meet at La Fleur's tonight instead" Bellamy says to my right.

"Since when did plans change? And who said he calls the shots?"

"I just received word, sir."

I sigh, lean back in my seat and drag my hand down my face. I had to move some meetings around to meet up with this dickhead already. The only reason I'm catering to him is because I need something he has. I run through the rest of my schedule for the day.

"10pm sharp."

Bellamy nods and calls my assistant to confirm. I turn my attention back to my emails. I order  a new set of white cinder block tiles and confirm the sale on a lot of land before powering my screen off and heading out. I don my black leather Tom Ford gloves and head down to the garage. Bellamy flanks my right.

"Smith and Bear are in position already. " Bellamy mutters.

I nod my acknowledgment. Meeting with the serbians are never fun. They're messy, usually hot headed and un-predictable but Popov has access to a new shipment of firearms from across the pond that I want my hands on. I straddle my MTT Turbine Streetfighter and slide my helmet on. Bellamy pulls up to my right as he always has for the past couple of years and we head across town to La Fleur's. I normally wouldn't bother with the strip club but figured I'd play in Popov's favor. The activities that take place in those types of facilities have never piqued my interest. We pull up to La Fleur's and knowing that I have two secured snipers high in the sky, I relax a little. I have no doubt the little fucker came tonight without his own little charade of boys but all I need are 2 perfectly skilled marksmen. 

"Mr. Van Doren, Mr. Popov is waiting for you. I will show you to the private room." the owner of La Fleur says without making eye contact. I nod and follow the older man. Jensen isn't the smartest man but, he's useful. His establishments service us with private meetings in the presence of the public to prevent a scramble from occurring. No one likes wrecking a good ole party, so we book everything through Jensen. I'm lead up to the second floor and upon entering, notice that Popov has found comfort in watching a blond stripper through the floor to ceiling glass window. Looking at his side profile, he's practically a fucking kid. Bellamy takes his place to my right. I snicker.

"Is this what we came here to discuss?" I ask while remaining near the doors while Popov immediately turns his head towards me. 

"Mr. Van doren, pleasure to meet you. I had some business to take care of on this side of town and figured I'd stop by for a little visit. Kill two birds with one stone. Or three" he smirks. He knows why I'm here. Looks like I'lll have to play nice tonight.

"Cut the shit, Popov. You seem like a smart guy and know what I'm here for."

"I do. "he responds while his eyes remain on the stripper. I don't like wasted time. I enjoy getting my shit done because if not, it pushes everything else back.

"When does the shipment arrive?"

"Tuesday morning. Was told its some top of the line new little bastards coming in from the middle east. It's yours....for a hefty price of course."

He wants me to cave. But I'm used to this. I lowball them and they counteroffer much higher. It's always something much higher. Then I meet somewhere in the middle. 

"How many shipments?"

"2 artillery boxes."

"45" I offer

"Now, I'm young, Mr. Van Doren, but not stupid. 65."

Fuck, 65? This is the first and last time I ever deal with this fucker. I take my time like I'm considering the counter offer when I know I'm already going to shoot it down. 

"Mmmmm, look at that fresh piece of meat. Bitch has the whole crowd going crazy." Popov says from his seat. I follow his gaze through the window and down to the stage. There's a brunette wearing a red and black corset, her ass cheeks are basically straddling the fucking pole and the fact that I can see that from this distance says a lot. She turns to face the crowd and the light catches her eyes. She glances up towards our private room and those eyes. Those caramel colored eyes; I could drown into them. Drown into the depths of the emptiness they hold. Her eyes are dazed like she's there but not really there. Her face shows no emotion, not even a smirk that most of these strippers plaster on to be worthy of those dollar bills. My breathing slows and anything Popov says becomes distant. My gaze remains on the beauty and I tilt my head; trying to study her. Her movements, her breasts, her hands, and those legs that go on for miles but my eyes move back up to those eyes.

"Agree?" a voice shouts. It takes me a moment to realize it belongs to the idiot serbian. My gaze returns to Popov. 

"50. That's what I'm settled at." I'm certain he'll regretfully take the offer. He's young and reckless. Not many have done business with him, so he'll cut his losses and settle. After all, starving people will eat anything.

"65, and that's where I'm settled at." he says

I take a deep breath in and  place my hands in my pockets and turn around as if I'm about to head out. Popov stands and reaches an arm out.

" Fine, fine. 50. Let's do 50." he shouts quickly.

I pause and turn back to face him. I walk towards him and reach my right hand out to shake his hand.

"Pleasure doing business with you. You'll receive 25 today and the rest when I have the shipment in hand."

I glance at the stage and notice that the brunette is gone and the curtains are closed. I turn around to head out without waiting for Popov to respond. I reach for the door handle and at the same time, something whizzes past me and makes impact with the wooden door. Fucking typical serbian.

Man of Veracity- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now