39 Alexander

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I pull up across the street from the diner and turn my car off. It's raining again. I silence my phone and mentally turn off for this little bit of time I have left with her. I rub my hands down my face remembering the plethora of information Bear thrust at me this morning.

6 hours earlier

"She was your fathers mistress. In short, Alexander, your father was fucking the wife of New York's Don. "

"Who all knew?"

"There's no confirmation on that. Your father took none of his men with him when visiting."

"We need to find out who all knew. If Bustrov knew. "


I glance toward the front of the diner hoping that I'll catch a glimpse of Juliette. I've been looking forward to this moment all day. The time I have with her even if it's just spent watching her from afar. I miss her when I'm not with her. I crave her presence. I feel anxious when she is next to me, afraid that our time together will be stolen. I scoff, feeling pathetic that this is now the man I am. If only she knew how much she affected me. 1 month together has been too short of a time with my angel. Juliette smiles at someone and my heart clenches that it's a smile not meant for me. She continues to wipe down a counter before heading back to the cash register. I know I have no right to her heart. No right to her body. No right to her mind. But for some reason, my heart still wants her. Just her. I can have any woman in the whole wide world, yet I only want her. My heart only wants hers.  My chest feels tight at the thought of this week coming to an end. I will have another body at my side other than Juliette de Grasso's. Another woman will be carrying my name other than Juliette de Grasso and if someone were to come up to me and ask me if I would give up everything I have worked so hard for to just have her? I would choose her in a heartbeat. I take a deep breath in and open my car door to head into the diner and wait for when her shift ends. Juliette looks up through the windows as I make my way across the street and she smiles at me; giving me that look that I've grown accustomed to. My heart does that funny thing it does anytime I see her. I proceed to open the door and the bell rings signaling my entrance. I wink at Juliette as she rings a customer's bill up and head toward my booth. She has another thirty minutes left before her shift is up and I usually spend this last thirty minutes watching her or talking to Lena. Or Bobby. Bobby's a nice guy, he's what I imagine a grandfather would be like. I nod at Bobby as he heads to his office in the back and settle in to watch my favorite person in this entire world. I've spent so many hours watching her. I know every inch of her skin. I know every move she makes. I know everything about Juliette de Grasso and I feel shameful that she doesn't know everything about me. I've tried multiple times to explain to her the situation I'm stuck in but it all seems to end with her leaving me. Then I panic and I back out. And I know a part of me, the selfish part of me, hopes that she'd forgive me and tell me that it's ok and she understands. But then I think about Juliette's past and how she has no one to turn to. No one to run to. No one to cry to, and I can't bear to cause her that kind of pain. So, I continue to do the one thing I never imagined myself doing, I lie to myself and I lie to her. 

"Coffee?" her sweet voice flows to my ears.

"Thanks, Angel. It's been a tough day."

"Tell me about it on the way home?"

Home. She's used that word so often now and I hate myself. She's been to all of my residences except for one. I couldn't bear the thought of having another woman in a space Juliette's touched first. I'd tear myself apart if I brought another woman to a space Juliette deemed home. I nod my response and take the mug from her hands. I try to relax into the leather booth as I wait for her shift to end but no matter the amount of times I reposition, nothing is comfortable. My shoulders feel tight and my head is now starting to throb. By the time I finish my coffee, Juliette is wiping down the counters for the last time tonight and then heads to the back to grab her belongings. My arms tingle at the thought of finally having her in my arms. My fingers flex at the thought of having her hand in mine. And then she's there. Beside me waiting for me to stand.

"Are you ok?"

Her voice brings me back to the present.

"Of course, Angel."

"I asked you that twice. Are you sure?"

"Kiss me first then ask me again."

She smiles at my response but her hand reaches up to caress my cheek and her lips are pressed to mine. I want to come home to this every night. Every day. Too quickly, she pulls away from me.

"I missed you today."

"I missed you more, Angel."

"Come on. We can head out and you can tell me about your day."

I knew I didn't deserve this woman. I didn't deserve anything she gave me so freely. 

"This recipe only calls for two eggs. Two eggs only, ok?"

Juliette's referring to the other time we baked and instead of cracking three eggs, I cracked four and her dough wasn't right. Who knew one egg would have made such a big difference?

"What was that? Three eggs? Ok, three eggs it is."

"Don't you dare. This is for Lena."

"What are you making for me?"

"You can have me.....later." She winks. My god, she's going to be the death of me. 

I saunter up behind Juliette and wrap my arms around her from behind.

" I want you now." My lips descend on the side of her neck and I lightly suck.

"You just had me."

"Not enough of you. I'll never get enough of you." I continue to trail my lips down her neck as my fingers unbutton my shirt she put on. My hands immediately cup her breasts as soon as I unbutton the shirt. I pinch her nipples that are now hardened and pull. Juliette moans and leans her head to the right to allow me more room. I flex my hips into her ass so she can feel how much she affects me. Her hands release the bowl and mixing spoon and grip onto the marble countertops as my hand trails down her stomach into her panties. 

"Fuck, you're dripping for me, baby."

I circle her clit with my middle finger before slipping inside her and dragging her wetness back up to her clit.

"Yes, Alexander."

"You like it when I play with my pussy, baby?"

Juliette nods.

"Use your words."

"Yes. I love it."

Fuck yes she loves it.  I circle her clit a handful more couple of times before I suck on the side of her neck hard. Hard enough to leave a mark. My other hand moves to pull my dick out of my boxers then I move her underwear to the side before thrusting into her deeply. 

"You're so tight, baby. You fit so fucking perfectly around me."

I draw my hips back until only the tip remains inside of her before thrusting into her deeply again. Juliette moans loudly and I feel her hands reach up into my hair and pull. I'm so close already. I continue to rub her clit as I pound into her sweet pussy from behind.

"Come with me, baby."

I feel the familiar release deep inside me and groan as I continue to pump my length into her. The clenching of her pussy squeezing out every drop I have to offer her as she topples over the edge.

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