15 Juliette

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I fiddle with my hands on the way to god knows where. Alexander is sitting way more relaxed than I am with one hand on the steering wheel and the other leaning against the window stroking his beard. We've been driving for 5 minutes in silence and I can't sit still because I'm dressed in practically nothing. I'm still shocked that he knows my name. How does he know? It's been so long since I've been called by my real name. I'm too scared to ask. There's too much going on and I don't fucking know. I don't know what to think or even where to start. We miss the turn onto my street.

"Where are you taking me?"


"Alexander, I want to go home. My home."

"Not tonight."

"What's going on? And what's up with all of these one worded answers?"

He doesn't respond and his attention remains on the road.

"Hello? Answer me."

He takes a second longer before turning his attention to me. His eyes are wild, pupils dilated and it makes all of my lady parts tingle. My nipples harden at that one look.

"You're going home with me, sweetheart. I told you that you were all mine today."

The rest of the drive is silent. I cross and uncross my legs and start to shiver despite the heat. My limbs are shaking with adrenaline and now I have to pee. Why didn't I pee before leaving the club? Oh, that's right, because I was thrown over a shoulder and walked out. I'm rubbing my right eyebrow when we finally turn off of the main road. I feel my insides twist and feel nauseous and excited all at once. How is it possible to feel nauseous and excited? I feel my heart racing at a thousand beats per minute. I think I'm going to pass out. Oh god, don't pass out, Juliette. I cross my right leg on top of my left one.

" Keep crossing your legs and I'm going to drive this car off of the road." Alexander says suddenly.

I take a sharp inhale and try to sit very still. Finally, we pull up to a gated garage that opens for us. Alexander pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off. 

"Put this on. I don't want anyone seeing you."

"A little late for that. You do know I strip for a living, right?" I retort.

"Don't remind me of all the fuckers that have seen you, Juliette."

He takes his coat off, wraps it around me, and opens his door. It smells like whiskey and woods. Like him. And I love it. Alexander walks around to my door and opens it. I slide my legs out and attempt to stand but the seatbelt pulls on my neck and I fucking choke. Oops, forgot about that.

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