31 Alexander

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I'm sitting in my office reading my emails on my new monitor and jabbing at my keyboard as I conduct business through emails ordering new shipments and making new deals that people demand of me. All of these fucking people demanding me of things. I'm damn tired of it.

"Boss" Bellamy says to my right.

"There's a package for you. It just arrived."

Package? I'm not expecting anything.

"It's a thin envelope and rather decorative. Security's already scanned it. It's fine, nothing was detected."

"Send it up."

Bellamy enters my office again 10 minutes later holding a light pink card sized envelope in his hand. Pink? He hands it over. It's light and stiff. No one ever sends me anything. I hear the blood thumping in my ears as I begin to open the envelope. My hand clasps around a single slip of paper. ITENIRARY is labeled at the top in cursive letters. Alex Van Doren and Vivian Anette Bustrova Wedding Itinerary. My breath falters. I forgot about that. I was getting so good at ignoring that date that I forgot it was coming soon.

"Sir? Everything ok?"

"No, it's not ok." I whisper looking down at the piece of cardboard wishing it would burn and wither away like that deal. Looking down at the cardboard and wishing it said Alex Van Doren and Juliette Grasso Wedding Itinerary. I've always gotten what I wanted in life, worked hard for what I wanted in life. And for some reason, this one earth shattering woman I wanted so badly felt so close yet so far away from my reaches no matter how hard I tried to keep her close.

Past- 7 years ago

I'm sitting in my office staring down at a manilla envelope. There's no signature indicating who its from. I tear through the seal and pull out a stack of papers with words from top to bottom. My eyes skim through and take note of the words Terms, Conditions, Failure to carry through, Termination. I flip through the last page and my eyes settle on two signatures at the bottom smeared in blood. Dad made a deal with Mr. Bustrov? William Bustrov. Vivian Anette Bustrova. Hand in marriage when Alexander Van Doren has become boss of Boston. I'm brought back to the day I was pulled into my father's office and Mr. Bustrova was complimenting me finally becoming a man.  This must have been what they signed that day; I never got to see the documents signed in person. Vivian Bustrova was beautiful but there was something about her I felt uncomfortable around. She was always too happy. I've been boss of Boston's mafia for 3 years already, what's the expiration on this shitty deal? I flip through the papers frantically looking for any specific date. I exhale in relief at seeing a date set 7 years from now. 


I clench my jaw. I hate that I can't do anything to toss this deal away. Bustrova must have had something over dad's head for him to be threatening and taunting me. I remember back to our dinner how he mentioned "something at stake" but I can't think of anything he would hold over my fathers head. I rub my hand down my face trying to rid of the headache that has settled in. I just wanted to get work done at a decent time so I could see Juliette sooner. 

"Bellamy, have Bear look into Bustrov and any past deals he has made within the past 10 years."

"10 years? That's quite a range."

"Do it. Have them all sent to me by tonight. Also have him look for any deals he had with my father."

Bellamy's eyes widen slightly in surprise.


"Yes, Louis. He made a deal with my father 10 years ago and I want to know what he was holding over Louis' head." I say throwing the card down onto my desk. 

"Boss, what is this? We have pressing matters to tend to, not to mention the serbians setting another warehouse on fire last night."

"This takes priority, Bellamy. I don't want this deal. This deal will not happen. Tell Bear he has until tonight to send me absolutely everything I asked for."

It won't happen, angel. I promise. It's just going to be you and me.I chant this in my head for minutes hoping that the more I say it, it'll happen. Because there's no one for me in this life and the next but Juliette Grasso.

Man of Veracity- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now