10 Juliette

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Tonights the first night the vehicle isn't in the parking lot when I leave. I remember the sounds he made when I punched him in the throat last night and I knew it hurt. Stupid asshole men who prod and poke the bear until it finally bites back. I still can't believe I did that; It was almost a reflex. I turn onto my street turning around again to make sure the vehicle isn't following me. Nope, looks clear to me. I smile. He got what he deserved. Who goes around grappling women like that and telling me how to live my life? I insert my key into the keyhole, turn the knob and lock it again behind me. I unlock the 3 locks to my door and let myself in, throw my keys onto the counter and start to strip my clothing off. I head into my bedroom intending on throwing my shirt into the hamper when the lights turn on.

"It's about time you gave me my very own strip show." A deep rich voice says.

I jump back heading toward the front door without a shirt on. My heart rate spikes and I honestly don't know what to do but run. Right as I reach the doors an arm reaches around my stomach and a hand covers my mouth. 

"Don't. Make. A sound or I'll tie you up and spank this ass red." is said right next to my ear.

I hear the blood rushing through my ears and my breathing quickens. In. Out. In. Out. 

"Good girl. Now, I'm going to remove my hand and you're going to remain quiet. Nod if you understand" I immediately nod.

As soon as he removes his hand I open my mouth with every intention of screaming as loud as I fucking can.


"Oh, my little hellion. I should've know you wouldn't have listened" I feel something cover my mouth again and that's the last thing I hear before blacking out.

My mouth is dry and my arms are cramping but I can't move them for some reason. I peek open my eyes and immediately feel another presence in the room. I automatically close my eyes again as if I'm still resting. What in the world happened? My breathing starts to pick up. In. Out. In. Out. Don't let him catch you awake. I try to rewind and remember everything that happened up to this point. Was I fucking drugged? How long have I been out? What did he do to me?

"I know you're awake." That same deep rich voice says. 

" I didn't intend on our first time meeting like this but, as always, anything worth having doesn't come easily."

I keep my eyes closed and  try to lie very very still while try to control my breathing. In. Out. In. Fucking out.

"Fine, have it your way. I can wait here all night."

My heart feels like its going to beat right out of my chest and is it hot in here? I eventually open my eyes curious to see my attacker. My sight lands on a black pair of mens chelsea boots, black pants, and a black turtleneck up to his face. The same brown eyes from the other night watch me. His hair is neatly combed back on top and cut shorter on the sides. His stubble and high cheek bones make him look like the devil himself. 

"Did you fucking drug me?"

"Hello to you too, angel."

"What do you want? Didn't you learn your lesson the other night? When I throat punched you? How is that by the way?" I retort back to which he smiles.

"Still hurts to swallow, honestly. But, you'll pay for that later."

Pay for it later? Dear god, he's going to torture me, isn't he? I've got to get out of here.

"Ah, now that shut you up, didn't it?"

I tug on my hands again and just now notice that their bound together by a rope through the rails on my head board. Are you kidding me?

"Don't tug anymore or you'll rub them raw."

"I'll do as I damn well please" I yell back out of breath. I tug even harder. I pull myself up into a sitting position and use my abs to pull my upper body away. The old metal creaks.

"I said don't tug or you'll rub them raw" he mutters and heads towards me. I immediately cease and sit very still. He continues towards me, sits on the bed and reaches for my bound hands. His warm hands touch mine for a sliver of a second and I feel it all the way up my arm. I tug my hands again and it gives away. Finally.

"So stubborn." he grumbles. 

I scramble away attempting to make another run for it but a hand clasps my ankle and I fall onto the hardwood floor landing on my bound hands.

"Dammit. Why can't you just sit still? Are you ok?"

A pair of hands wrap around my stomach and pull me up. 

"I can stand myself, you idiot. What do you want? If you're going to kill me, just do it already."

"Quite the opposite actually. I need you well and alive."

"For what?" I throw back and immediately regret it. I might as well just beg him to off me now. 

"That's only for me to know."

I'm standing in only my bra and leggings which I'm now very conscious of. He's standing about a foot away from me and I can feel the heat and power radiating off of him.

"I'm not going to hurt you. I promise you that."

" Your promises mean nothing to me. I don't even know you."

"Not yet, you don't. I won't be a disappointment though; I'm actually quite likable."

I scoff and look away. I can't stand the look of his perfection right now. God, Juliette, you've really lost it this time. It's got to be my sugar; it's probably low and that's why I'm feeling this way

I hear him move backward towards the chair in the corner of the room and I see my opportunity. I sprint for the front door once again. God, if I don't make it out this second attempt, just take me away. It'll save me from the shame and embarrassment. A strong arm wraps around me once again and I feel something sharp in my ass cheek. Oh, shit.

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