Part 40 Juliette

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I walk back to the locker room to grab my bag with the biggest smile on my face. The diner was pretty much dead so Bobby let me off early. I think I'll go home and surprise Alexander with dinner. My stomach feels tingly at the thought of cooking him another dinner. I've only ever made food for myself, so making food for someone else to eat makes me excited now. Knowing that I'll have company makes me excited now. I think he makes me excited now. I run through my head of the ingredients I might need for what I'm making tonight and realize that I'll have to stop by the grocery store on the way home. I'll also have to buy another Plan B. Since Alexander has so kindly taken the load of paying my insulin for me, it's allowed me to utilize that money towards other preventing a pregnancy. A part of me feels like I'm wasting my money on Plan B's, I could be saving my money for the future but then I factor a kid into the future and feel an impending doom. So Plan B it is. And I don't even bother trying to argue with him because he'll just come inside of me in spite. The automatic doors swish open as I walk into the convenience store for some tomato sauce; I've decided I'm making Lasagna tonight. the store is quite empty and I head to the aisle of carbs and sauces. I quickly find what I'm looking for, turn around to head to the register, and head back home but run into something hard. Not something, but someone. The person clears their throat and I look up to meet familiar brown eyes. 

 I immediately remember why his eyes are so familiar. He was that awkward customer I had the other night. My heart skips a beat and my breaths become hard to control. No biggie running into him here. I mean, the store is just down the street from the diner. In and Out, Juliette. Then I remembered that he was standing in front of me and can clearly see that I was in distress.

I clear my throat, "Sorry, Sir. I didn't see you there."

I don't wait for a reply and maneuver around his body to check out. I try to remain calm on my walk home. I really do, but it's hard to when I've ran into the same person in one week. Might just be my nerves, right?

"Thank you for dinner tonight, baby. It was delicious."

I smile back at Alexander. He leans back in the dining room chair and stretches.

"It was my pleasure. I like cooking for you."

He stops mid-stretch. Was that too much? Did I say too much? Oh god, I did, didn't I? My face starts to feel that familiar flush of warmth when I get embarrassed. 

"I like you cooking for me. Just for me though, ok?"

I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding. That tingling feeling in my stomach starts to take its place and I smile.

"Answer me."

"Just for you then. I find myself doing a lot of things just for you now."

"Good. There should be no other way. I am yours just as much as you are mine. I do all things for you, not to return the favor but because I want to. You're just now getting the hang of it, baby. You're lucky you're a quick learner though."

"Or what?"

"Or I'd have to resort to other measures to get what I want."

"And what is it that you want?" I try my best poker face. Say me. No, don't say me. Do I want him to want me? Does he even want me? Or are we just sleeping together? Dear god, am I just a hole for him to get his dick wet in?

"That's for me to know and you to figure out."

"If you just tell me now I won't have to figure it out."

"What fun is that?"

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