35 Juliette

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I stare at Alexanders face across from me in the dim lit restaurant. He's quiet tonight; more quiet than usual. It's on the tip of my tongue, to ask him what's bothering him but someone clears their voice behind him.

"Sir, you have call." I notice Bellamy, Alexander's assistant steps up to the side him. Bellamy's always so spectacularly dressed and his face is always so stoic. I feel a little sad at not being the only one to  be so close to Alexander. Alexander looks up at Bellamy with his eyebrows pinched.

"It can't wait."

Alexander turns to look at me with concern in his eyes. He opens his mouth like he's about to say something but then hesitates. 

"Baby, I'm sorry. I'll have to take this call, ok?"

I nod my response but Alexander stays seated a couple of seconds longer staring at me quietly before he proceeds to get up and walk out onto the terrace. Okay then. Somethings up with him today; he seems pre-occupied. I'm reaching for a sip of my water when the waiter brings me our dinner. My stomach growls at the smell of the delicious fajitas and I look for Alexander before digging in. I nod a thanks to our waiter while continuing to wait for Alexander. I'm scrolling around on my phone when I feel a presence at my side. Alexander is standing infront of me in his black clad pants with a black button up dress shirt and jacket. The Prada emblem glimmers under the light on his lapel.

"Oh, hey"

"Hey sweetheart. Sorry I kept you waiting too long."

"No, the food just came out" I lie. It came out 5 minutes ago. His hand reaches for my face and his thumb runs over my bottom lip.

"Such a bad liar." he whispers looking down at me before proceeding to sit in his seat across from me. My face heats from being caught.

"The foods no longer steaming." he adds.

Oh, I didn't even notice that. I smile apologetically. "I didn't want you to feel bad. Especially since I'm starving."

"Now I feel worse. Dig in, babe."

I wonder what took him so long. Business? He did mention that he ran a business and now that I thought about it, I never asked him what kind. We sit in comfortable silence as we dig into our plates. My mouth waters at the thought of just bringing the fajita to my mouth. I haven't eaten all day; the diner was so busy and the couple of seconds I had to rest I checked my sugar. 

"How was work?"

"Busy. We apparently had a new item added to the menu so we had a lot of customers today."

"Guess I'll have to let you rest tonight then?"

"You can. Or you can help me relax?" I try saying with a sexy voice.

He stops chewing for a second.

"Are you seriously making a move on me right now?"

My cheeks automatically feel flushed. I thought it would sound......sexier than it did. Oh gosh, it was the total opposite, wasn't it? Fuck my life. I thought he would like to see that I was putting in a little bit of effort too. A second later I feel something warm traveling up my leg.

"How about I relax you now, sweetheart?" 

I immediately move my leg back.

"What are you doing?"

"You asked me to help you relax."

"Not here."

"Where then?"

"At home?"

One second he's staring at me and the next he's standing up and gathering my stuff. 

"What's going on?"

"We're going. I'll order you something to eat."

"What? Where?"


He grabs my hand and leads us to the front of the restaurant. I'm immediately met with cold rain as we step out. I take in cold gulps or air as he rushes me towards his car. As soon as we reach the vehicle he pushes me into the passenger seat and buckles me in. He does the same when he gets settled in, starts the car and turns the heat on.

"Don't say stuff like that and not expect me to actually deliver on it, baby."

Then he pulls out of the lot like someones after us.

Alexander took us to his home just outside of the city tonight. I've been here once before and it was because he said he wanted to fuck me in all of his houses. When we pull up in the driveway it's still raining and we're both still in drenched clothes. I'm sure I look like a wet dog at this point and the heated moment is over. I reach for the door handle and start to open the door.

"Wait for me to do that."

I roll my eyes but proceed to stay sitting in my seat. A couple of seconds later he opens my door and as soon as I'm standing he tightens his arm around my waist pulling me into him. 

"What are you doing? It's cold and raining and we're both drenched."

He leans back and looks up to sky then looks back down at me and pulls me in closer. He leans down next to my right ear and whispers, "Let's add another precious moment, angel."

He dips me back  and I scream from the sudden move, clutching onto his shoulders tighter. He chuckles and as soon as he makes eye contact with me, something bubbles inside of me and I start laughing too. I start laughing even harder because there's no music and although one would think it'd be awkward, it isn't. Alexander pulls me back up and spins me around a couple of times before pulling me back to his chest. 

"I'm going to keep you here, Juliette. Right next to me for a long long time." he whispers with my head on his chest while he rocks us back and forth on our feet. My heart is beating so hard, not fast, just hard; like I can feel my pulse pulsating in my own ears. I can feel my pulse throughout my whole body and I think I feel so .......content? It's a weird feeling. I've never yearned for anything like this, I've never yearned to have a relationship like this with anyone yet here I am with this man who has given me the world and more. I hold on tighter to him. I lean back and look into his eyes. "There's no where else I'd rather be." flows out of my lips before I even register it. His eyes widen but then he pulls me into him, leans down and he lightly, oh so lightly, kisses my lips.

"Good. Let's get you inside and warmed up, baby."

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