Finally Fathers

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Author's note: wow! I can't believe I haven't worked on this since last year. Coughs in "this would have been funnier on January 1st." Uh, anyways, enjoy!

Also, this takes place in birb au


It was a peaceful morning with Three and Four sleeping in their nest, with the egg right in the middle of them.

That's when they both felt it move.

Four woke up first, looking at the egg with excitement. He gently nudged Three. "It's finally happening."

Three got up and could see the egg beginning to crack. He got up to give the egg more room.

Four held on to Three, and the two watched in excited silence.

When the egg finally got broken open, there was their new member of the family. Four almost let out a big squeal.

It was hard to tell what kind of bird the baby was as they had their baby feathers. But that didn't matter to the couple.

Three carefully picked up the baby bird. "Hi there, little one." He said in a soft voice.

The baby let out a small peep and nuzzled his chest.

Four put his head on Three's shoulder, looking at their baby with a smile on his face.

They were finally parents, and they could not be anymore happier.

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