Am I gay?

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Author's note: More xfm content because yes.

Also, this takes place after Smg4's 10th anniversary special.


Today was exhausting to say at least.

First, they went to the mall to pick up some stuff, then were invited to Four's 10th anniversary special, then kidnapped by a soul sucking alien, and then cured corrupted memes with Four's help.

To say Fm and X were tried was an understatement.

Now the two were back home, sitting on the couch watching Tv. It was one of Cube's favorite shows to watch, something about owls, X wasn't quite sure.

The little penguin was sitting close to the Tv, while X and Fm were on the couch.

X could feel his eyelids growing heavy when felt something on his shoulder. He flinched; he immediately turned his head. Fm never touched X unannounced before, so he found it odd that Fm was now.


Fm had fallen asleep, now slumped over and laying on X's shoulder. He could have gently moved his best friend off his shoulder, but he didn't. There was something about Fm that was always different then all of his other friends. 

X felt his face getting warm, a soft smile forming on his face. 'He looks kinda cute.' X could hear a record scratch in his own head. 

His face turned entirely red, his heart pounding in his ears. How could he think like that about his own best friend!?

He looked away from Fm, hoping that will help ease his thoughts. Cube had left, turning off the Tv. Shit, he was hoping Cube's show would help him take his thoughts of Fm off his mind.

Instead, he had invaded X's mind.

To when they would regularly hang out with Four, when they first moved in together, to when Fm comforted him during the second t-pose out break and now today.

X looked carefully back to Fm, hoping he couldn't hear X's heartbeat that was banging like a drum. He was still asleep; his hat had fallen off his head when he slumped over. Fm was lightly snoring now, X was stuck here whether he liked it or not.

Was this feeling made Fm different from all of his other friends? Was he in love with his best friend?!?

X tried to think back, did he ever have a crush on a woman? 

X felt Fm shift underneath him, the blonde slowly moved away from his shoulder. "X?" His voice was still groggy. "Did I fall asleep on you?"

"Uh, yeah you did." X turned away, not wanting Fm to see his flushed face.

"I'm sorry X. I guess today was more tiring than I thought. I'm gonna head to bed now, goodnight."

"Goodnight." X softly spoke. Fm got up from the couch, grabbed his hat, and went up to his room. Leaving X alone.

X was in love with his best friend, but he no longer was panicking about that. He just hoped Fm loved him back.

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