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Author's note: I was informed recently that Fm has stated on twitter that he rather not be shipped with his friends. And it was never my intention to break that, I was just uninformed.

As someone who is aro-ace, being shipped with my friends would also be a nightmare to deal with. I now feel guilty for unintentionally doing the thing someone was uncomfortable with.

So, there's only one thing left for me to do.

Also, this story takes place before the new fic I'm working on. 


Fm stared off into space, guilt pulled on his conscience.

He noticed recently that he had fallen out of love with X.

Things that used to make Fm feel warm and fuzzy now make him feel nothing.

He still cares about X, they're still best friends. 

It's just...

He doesn't want that to end either. 

Would X kick him out if they broke up? No, he would do that, he's not petty like that.

So, Fm stayed silent, feeling guilty that he's hurting his best friend like this.

X noticed Fm staring off into space at the kitchen table. "Fm?" Fm snapped back to reality. "Hon, is something wrong?"

Fm looked down. "Everything's fine."

X furrowed his eyebrows, not believing him for a moment. " Something is bothering you. Please let me help." He moved his chair closer to his. Dark brown eyes looked into hazel. "Please." 

Fm has been bottling up his guilt for so long, but eventually, every bottle spills. 

Tears began to run down Fm's face. He let out a sob. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I- I just can't do this anymore."

X brought Fm into a hug, Fm didn't stop him.

"I kinda had a feeling." X admitted. "Shh, it's okay. Fm, you're still my friend. It's okay. Everything will be okay." 

They stayed like that, Fm spilling out his tears and X comforting him.

It feels like their relationship has come full circle. Feelings started when Fm comforted X, and now it ends with X comforting Fm. 

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