Another nightmare

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Author's note: This one-shot was inspired by my discord group messing with and um... the ai gets🎺real quickly.

Also, trigger warning for mentions of blood and other creepy yandere things.

Also, also, this takes place after 'Six months' and before the new story I'm working on. 


Three was in the castle, trying to find Four. He wasn't in his room, the kitchen, the guest bedroom, the storage room, the gaming room, nor the bathroom. So, it didn't leave any other than...


He couldn't be in there... right???

Three turned to the boarded-up room. He gulped. Slowly walking up to it, he could hear something on the other side.

The door burst opened, causing the boards to fly off, and Three was dragged inside. 

The lights were off. Three could hear his heartbeat in his ears.

"Why do you look so scared, my love?" A voice from the darkness asked. A spotlight revealed Smg4, covered in blood... but... something else was off... 

He was all monochrome...

Four glitched forward, scaring Three, the edgy meme man yelp in fear before he was shushed by Four.

"Don't be scared." Four's voice was low, and it sounded like it was fused with another voice...

All too familiar voice.

Three's fear turned into anger. "Y-you." Three rasped out. "What are you doing here possessing my boyfriend!?!"

They let out a low chuckle, their eyes completely taking over Four's. "Oh, sweetheart ~. There's no need for such hostility." They run a finger across Three's cheek. "You love me."

Three grabbed their arm, he wanted to throw them across the room, but he couldn't... not while they're still in Four's body.

"What's wrong? I thought my new look would make you happy." They looked hurt. Particles began to surround them, and when the particles faded, they were back to their Mario recolor self.

The lights turned on, and Three wanted to throw up. 

All across the room was blood and the dead bodies of his friends, Four's dead body was hung on the wall like he was a hunter's prize.

Tears were escaping Three's face. Their hand brushed one away. "They tried to keep you away from me. I couldn't let that happen."

"You... your the one who cheated on me..." Three croaked out.

It was hard to tell if they rolled their eyes or not, since they don't have any pupils... not anymore. "And I told you before... she didn't give me the thing I wanted..."

Three growled, he can't let them win, he just can't. "Well, good for her for never sleeping with you! And good for me for also never sleeping with you! You are a sick horny fuck who deserves to rot in hell!"

The room began to change to the outside world. It was raining, hard, they punched Three in the face, just like they did... all of those years ago. Three fell to the ground, but before he could get up and run just like he did back in 2014. They grabbed him by the arms and held him in place.

"Now, now..." They said in a calm tone. "There's no need for you to ran away, my dear~" One of their hands make their way down to the buckle of Three's overalls. "I'll treat you right, unlike that sorry excuse for a boyfriend, Smg4."

That was the final straw for Three, he managed to kick them in their crotch, causing them to fall over in pain and Three began to run towards the door. When finally reached the light he....


Three's eyes widen as he jolted up from his bed. He took deep breaths and looked around the room. His room.

'Thank fucking god.' Three thought to himself. 'It was just a bad dream...'

Bad dream or not, Three was still pretty proud of himself for standing up to them.

Now, if only they would leave him alone.

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