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Author's note: Merry Christmas, everybody! And if you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. 💖
Also, this does take place in my godbox au.

Smg4 woke up to Beeg jumping on the bed.

The little guy's eyes were lit up like stars. "Ough! ough!" He said, which roughly translates to... "Santa came! Santa came!"

Smg4 got out of bed, a smile on his face. "Alright, alright. I'm up now." He patted Beeg's head. "Let's go see what Santa brought you."

There were many colorful presents underneath the Christmas tree. Some were for Smg4's friends. Four gave all the presents that were marked for Beeg.   Beeg, then he went ham and started opening gifts like crazy.

Four couldn't help but take photos of his son and the gifts he got for Christmas.

After Beeg had opened his gifts, a portal opened, and out came Eggdog, Eggpup, Smg3, and Slg4 with his cane decorated like a candy cane.

"Hello, Merry Chrism-" Before Three could finish his sentence, Beeg tackled him into a hug. Three laughed and patted Beeg's head. "Merry Christmas to you too, little Glitchy."

Four giggled. "I'm guessing the dogs already opened their gifts?"

Slg4 nodded. "Yep, they've been real good this year." He picked Eggpup in his arms. "Especially this good boy." The pup's tail was wagging like a storm.

Three had finally managed to settle Beeg down and made his way over to Four. "Eggdog told me that the best gift for her was being able to spend the night over with her uncle and son... even though they see each other almost every day." Three snickered at that part.

Ever since Three had moved into his coffee shop, Eggdog had gone with him. But Eggpup had been essentially Slg4's... for lack of a better term, his guide dog. So the young pup stayed with Slg4 in the internet graveyard.

Four kissed Three on the cheek, causing  the edgy meme man to blush. "That so sweet."

Three let out a huff. "So, what do you want for breakfast?"


It was around noon that everyone else arrived. Smg4 was told by Fm that Minion was spending time with her boss for Christmas. Even though Smg4 is still a little wary around him... he's happy that Enzo isn't alone on Christmas.

Mario had come into the castle all sugar high. Bouncing around and singing a whole bunch of Christmas songs.

Luigi was wearing a silly green reindeer Christmas sweater.

Fm had on his usual outfit with a memewarts letterman jacket. X was wearing a hoodie, and his pants' legs were rolled down, so you couldn't see what kind of socks he was wearing. Cube was wearing a hat Four had never seen the penguin wearing before. It was a red knit cap with a big pom-pom on it. Four could only guess it was a Christmas gift.

Meggy had brought over Loaf, her pet cat. Four had noticed that he was wearing a new collar.

The rest of the group had not changed anything into something christmasy, but that really didn't matter.

After chatting and some catching up, it was time to open the gifts.

"Let's a fucking gooooo!" Mario shouted, pumping his fist into the air. Everyone laughed at his antics.

Meggy got a new inkling gun from Smg3 and immediately tried it out by shooting a rat that somehow got into the castle.

Smg4 had gotten a lot of new pj's. He really didn’t mind... he had a bad habit of sleeping in his clothes, and even then... it wasn't a lot.

Tari gifted Saiko a coupon for free KCF for a whole month and was almost crushed to death.

Three opened up his present from Bob and then quickly closed the box before anyone could see what it was. Bob laughed.

Luigi was gifted a snowglobe, but instead of snowflakes falling, it was flowers. Luigi then had said something in rapid Italian to Melony, who just looked confused on what he was saying.

Mario was gifted soap from Smg3. He immediately threw it back at Three, hitting him in the nose.

During the gift exchange, the pets/kids were outside, playing in the snow. Although Four almost dropped his mug when he saw Beeg, Loaf, and Cube building a igloo.

Soon, the night began to crawl in, and everyone was saying their goodbyes and going home.

"I'll see you in the morning..." Three petted Eggdog's head. "You enjoy another night with your son and Uncle L, okay?"

Eggdog let out a yip and hop into the portal where Slg4 and Eggpup were waiting.

As the portal closed, Three turned his head to Four. Four smiled as he was pulled into a kiss.

Smg4 sat down on his bed with a sigh. "Today was so tiring."

Smg3 chuckled. "What else would you expect? It was a Christmas party..."
Three sat down on the bed next to Four.

Four laid his head on Three's shoulder. "I'm glad to have spent Christmas with you."

Three cooed and pinched Four's cheek. "Awww. I'm glad to have spent Christmas with you too, Glitchy."

Four wrapped an arm around Three. "You're such a big softie."

Three blushed. "No, I'm not!"

"Yes, you are!"

Three frowned, still looking adorable. Four booped his nose. "My lovable grump! My grumpy bear!"

Three shifted his hat down to cover his face, while Four started to laugh. Once his laughter had died down, he kissed Three's cheek.
"I love you."

Three lifted his hat and kissed Four's forehead.

"I love you too."
The two of them laid down on the bed and peacefully went to sleep.

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