An important talk

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Author's note: This takes place after 'Not much bro, how 'bout you?' and before 'Nightmares belong in boxes.' 

Also, trigger warning for past abusive relationships, and stalking.


It was a quiet night in the Internet Graveyard. 

Inside the Starbucks where Smg3 lived was also quiet, the only noise was Eggdog snoring on the couch.

Slg4, Three's brother figure and Three himself were enjoying some tea before heading to bed.

Three's phone buzzed; the edgy meme man grabbed it to see Four had sent him a funny picture of Mario getting his pignus stuck in a vending machine.

Three wheezed. Slg4 (or L for short) raised his eyebrow. "What's so funny?"

Three showed him the situation the plumber had put himself in. 

L laughed. "Holy shit- ow. Fuck!" He cringed at the pain in his side, but it was worth it.

Finally, both men calmed down. 

A thought creeped into L's mind. He noticed for the past few days Three hesitated to pick up his phone. Three never did that before his death.

"Hey bro, this might be me looking into things. But I've noticed you always seem wary to pick up your phone." L softly lowered his voice. "Is there a reason for that?"

Three froze, he looked away from L. He grumbled before letting out a sigh. Three could never hide these kinds of things from his brother.

"It's because of my ex. The person I dated for about two months, the one I told you about when you were in the hospital."

"They're still calling you?" L couldn't believe what he was hearing. "How did you guys even break up in the first place?"

Three took a sip of his tea like it was a bottle of beer. "I found out they were cheating on me, and your death also played a big part in it as well."

L felt the gears turning in his head as pieced together on what he has heard about Three's shitty ex. "Do you know the person they cheated you with?"

Three shook his head. "Nah, they had the name changed on the phone so, I don't know. I hope that person isn't with that piece of shit." 

L could feel his anger burning inside of him. "If this bitch won't leave you alone, then maybe we could sick your friends on them."

Three's whole mood suddenly changed; he became incredibly antsy. "N-now hold on, l-let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

L was confused by this. "What's wrong? Why don't you want your friends or maybe even the police if it gets really bad to help?"

"Because they will find a way." Three's body started to shake. "They always find a way. They'll find a way to excuse, lie, and find loopholes. They'll always find a way to find me again!" 

L gently brought Three closer to him, soothing his younger brother.

They stayed like that for a minute before Three lifted his head.

"S-sorry." He sniffled, wiping away his own tear. "They're just a pain in the ass."

"Three..." L felt like he was holding back venom. "Who the hell is this asshole?" 

Three looked away, his eyes seemed to tear up again.

"Even when I was in hospital, I didn't even know much about them." L raked a hand threw his hair. "Wait, do they even go by they/them pronouns?"

Three quickly got up from his chair and left the room.

L was going to go after him when he heard Three's phone buzz.

It was Four texting him goodnight.

L sighed. "Well, at least his current relationship is way healthier."

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