Mario has a fun idea!

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Author's note: Happy Halloween!

Also, this is the party that happened before "6 months."


"Smg4!" Mario bursted through the door into Four's room, only to see a note on one of the monitors.

Out with Three on a date, spaghetti is in the fridge.


Mario suddenly got an idea. "Wait, if Smg4 is out... then Mario can do whatever he wants!" The plumber brought out his phone, before stopping for a moment. "Now, who to invite.... ah, Mario will just invite everyone!"


Bob had set up a Dj booth for him to play some sexy tunes, Bowser had brought some homemade fruit punch, and even with all this loud noise going on, Melony was fast asleep.

"Wow, I can't believe how many people are here..." Luigi said.

"Yep! Mario invited all of our friends, and Waluigi and Wario. Mario would rather not have... that happen again."

Luigi blinked. It took him a second to realize what Mario was talking about. "N-now... I'm sure Waluigi woul-"

"MARIO!!!" It was Fm, he put an arm around the plumber. "Good idea, to have this party. With all the crazy shit that's been happening, it's good unwind." Fm took another sip of the punch he had in a cup, from his slurred speech and his blushing face, it seemed he was drunk.

"Oh, no." Luigi went over to the bowl, where Minion was about to get some of the spiked punch. "Stop!" Luigi popped from behind the table, scaring poor Minion. 

"Uh, is something wrong?" Meggy asked. She had seen the whole thing happen.

Luigi picked up the bowl. "Someone spiked the punch and I'm doing the right thing and getting rid of it."

"Oh... I think it's little a too late to do that now." Meggy pointed over to a very drunk Steve, who was only wearing underwear, a drunk Wario on the floor, and a very drunk Toad singing "Old Town Road."

Suddenly, Peach walked over with a very disturbed look on her face.

"Uh, Princess... I don't you want drink that it's been-" But Luigi was cut off as Peach proceeded to drink the rest of the punch in one gulp, before she too fell face first on the floor.

"Well... that happened." Meggy deadpanned.

"YeAh! I DiDn'T eVeN SpIkE ThE PuNcH ThIs TiMe!" Bob popped up from behind scaring the girls.

"Wait, if you're here then who's running...?" Minion turned her head to the Dj booth to see Beeg twisting the records on the turn tables.

"If you didn't spike the punch..." Both Meggy and Luigi turned to face the red plumber.


Mario let out a huff. "Hey! Mario didn't do anything to the punch! He knew kids were coming!!"

"Well, if it wasn't you. And if it wasn't Bob then who..." Meggy paused she turned her head to the sound of someone whistling. Only to see a very familiar someone holding an empty bottle of rum.


"Kazio dared me to, okay? Besides, what's the worst that can happen?"

Mario deadpanned. 'You did not just say that..."


X was in the guest room, it was a lot quieter in here than out in the main area, the only other person in the room was Tari, as the crowd became too overwhelming for her.

X was reading a new book, trying to find out that mysterious langue that the God Box book had. Tari was playing 'Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Brothers Ultra Mega Deluxe with Knuckles and new Funky mode!'

The door slammed open to reveal Fm, though his face was slight red. "X!" He droned out. Fm flopped onto the bed. He lifted his head to his best friend. "What are you doing in here? You're missing the party."

"Uh, I'm fine in here..." X looked down to see a cup in Fm's hand. "What's that?" X closed the book, something was off. 

"Oh, it's just punch..." Fm was slurring his word. X didn't believe that for a second.

X took the cup from Fm. The blonde tried to get it back, but X held it out of reach. Fm faceplanted into the bed again.

"WoW!" Bob poked his head in from the doorway. "I cAn'T BeLiEvE ThE PoLiCe OfFiCeR GoT DrUnK L0L." 

X glared at him, a deadly look in his eyes.

Bob suddenly got the memo. "Uh, WoUlD YoU LoOk aT ThE TiMe." Bob held up a fake watch. "I HaVe To Go TaKe A ShIT!" He zipped out the room as fast as he could.


Earlier in the Party, Bowser, Peach, Belle, Sakio, and Kazio were playing truth or dare with a bottle, so whoever it laned on, had to choose between truth or dare. 

Kazio had already dared Saiko to spike the punch, Belle had dared Kazio to wear a pink frilly bow, and now the bottle was spinning to see who the next victim was.

The bottle landed on Peach. Everyone else oooooed. "Well, since no one else has done it, I'll go with truth." 

"So, are you and Bowser dating?" Kazio asked. Both Peach and Bowser jolted at that.

"Kazio!" Saiko yelled at him.

"What? I'm being serious for once! I mean, I know they live together because her house decided to become a demon flesh pit! But haven't they been oddly close?!!?" 

"I... mean... He kinda has a point." Belle spoke up.

Peach said nothing, she got up and headed to the punch bowl which was currently in Luigi's arms.

"Wait, Peach!" Saiko said, she elbowed Kazio for asking that very personal question and went after the princess. 

Bowser face stayed red in entire time, not saying a word. Belle had tried to snap him out of it but it was no use.


Waluigi was also drunk, but he was putting on a show for an equally drunk Swag, Steve, and Toad.

"And now, for my next trick!" He poofed Mario over. "I'll be attempting to lift Mario into the air with my body alone!"

"Woah! You're not-" Be he was cut off as Waluigi began trying to pick Mario up. 

But it backfired and Mario got stuck on the chandler. "Ah, piss." Waluigi looked down disappointed.

Well, at least Mario can watch the party from up here.

Slg4 had come over, but he forgot to close the portal and accidently brought over an army of Ugandan knuckles.

Toad had managed to find a microphone and began to sing 'Jump up superstar!' offbeat. 

And Shroomy had started a food war with Rob over what was better... Corn or Potatoes. 

But, as the party died down, Mario could feel his eyes lids grow heavy and he too fell asleep.

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