This town ain't big enough for the two of us

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Author's note: Western Spaghetti is causing a lot of wild west aus and I love it.


A figure was riding their horse into the town of Mushroom Gulch. The figure in question had black hair and bright blue eyes, he had a tan cowboy hat with a S emblem up front, he was wearing a simple blue shirt with dirty white pants, and he had brown cowboy boots.

His name was Smg4. Now, he didn't know exactly what that meant, but that doesn't matter. 

He stopped at the saloon and hopped of his horse. He petted the creature by the muzzle before heading inside.

He opened the door to a familiar sight, Luigi working behind the bar, his older brother, L playing the piano, Mario, his best friend talking to Tari, a girl who had lost her arm in a freak farming accident. 

"Smg4!" Mario waved over. He was wearing a brown cowboy hat, a dull red shirt with blue overalls, a yellow handkerchief, a holster around his waist, and brown cowboy boots.

Tari was wearing a simple blue short-sleeved shirt with the side on where she lost her arm all tied up, she had brown pants, and some old flat black shoes.

"Hey guys." Four sat down at the table with them, taking off his hat and putting on the chair. 

"Did you have any luck with finding Indigo Dynamite?" Tari asked.

 Indigo Dynamite was a known crook around these parts along with, One-shot Wren, Buffalo Bob and his accomplice Boopkins the kid, and Enzo.

Dynamite was a thorn in Four's side, being bitter rivals until the very end.

Four sighed. "No. It's so frustrating that he comes out of nowhere and can disappear into thin air." Four laid his head in his left hand. "I need a drink."

Luigi slid over. He was wearing a simple black waiter's outfit with a green bowtie. "What can I get you?"   

"The usual." Four mumbled. He was tired.

"Okey-dokey!" Luigi gave him a glass of milk.

Four grabbed the glass and started drinking. Both Mario and Tari looked at him sadly, seeing him gulp down the drink in seconds.

"Smg4, how long were you out there?" Tari asked worriedly.

Four put down the empty glass. "I left a little before noon."

Both Mario and Tari looked gasp in in shock. "Smg4, that's terrible. In this heatwave?!" Tari nearly shouted.

Four shrugged. "I have to find Dynamite. He's been terrorizing the town for too long." 

"But being out in the sun for that long is not good for you." Mario said. "Mario knows that too well." He recalled all the times he got sunburned.

"C'mon. The sheriff would agree with me that finding Dynamite would be a good thing." Four responded.

Suddenly, the doors open and walked in Sheriff Meggy. She wore a red cowboy hat with goggles attached to them, a red bandana around her neck, a white shirt with a brown vest with a star that said "Sheriff" on it, dark blue pants, black fingerless gloves, and brown boots with gold swirl designs on them. 

She walked over to Four and his friends. "Howdy, anything new today?" She asked them with a bright smile on her face.

"Smg4 was out all day searching for Indigo dynamite!" Mario blurted out.

"Wha-Hey! I told you I left a little before noon." Four's face turned pink.

Meggy frowned. "Four, that's not good for you to be out in the sun all day with this heatwave."

"But Dynamite has to be stopped." He tried to argue. 

Meggy put her hands down on the table. "I'm not saying that, of course Dynamite must be stopped. But you endless searching for him in the middle of a heatwave is going too do you no good. I don't want my deputy to have a heatstroke." 

Smg4 had become the deputy after the death of Desti, the previous deputy and Meggy's lover was killed by the Green Geek, who then died by the hands of Meggy in relation. 

Four looked down, guilt setting in. Crap, he really over done it. The last thing he would want was Meggy to lose another deputy. "S-sorry sheriff. I guess I really over done it."

Ever since he and Dynamite had met, a fierce rivalry had fallen on the two. Fighting each other every time they met. Four would always win, with only one time putting Dynamite behind bars before he escaped.

Meggy sighed. "Please just try to get some rest. It's been a long day for all of us, I reckon."


Meanwhile in a cave near Koppa Cove was the Indigo Dynamite, or by his real name, Smg3.

He chuckled to his accomplice, a small white dog name Eggy. "Heh, hehe. Oh, Eggy with this plan, Deputy Glitch won't know what hit him until it's too late.

Three wore an indigo shirt with a black vest, black pants, he had white gloves on, he had an indigo top hat, he had small gold glasses that he didn't really need, he also wore a red bowtie, and he had black cowboy boots with skulls on them. 

Eggy let out a bark, listening to her master ramble about his next scheme. 

"It's perfect! Using this old washing board I found. I'll hide it under my vest and challenge him to a duel, and I'll finally win. No more Glitchy."

Eggy barked again.

Three scoffed. "Of course, I'll win. He doesn't have anything like this." Three held up the board. "You're just mad that I came up with a good idea."

Eggy let out two barks.

"What then? Then, I'll... I'll." Three paused. He didn't know what to do after he defeated Glitch. "I'll cross that bridge when I get there. Okay?" He huffed. Eggy let out one final bark before heading to the bed made out of literal sheep wool.

Three sighed. There was something about the deputy that made him wonder. 

Where they really supposed to be rivals?


Author's note two, electric boogaloo: It's too late for me to finish this. So, I'm going to end it there. lol.

Smg4 OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora