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TRIGGER WARNING: Past abusive relationships, assault and death

Also, this takes place Now we can't have spoilers now. Can we?

(This is Three's nightmare during the end of chapter 13-14 of 'Nightmares belong in boxes')


Three fluttered his eyes opened. A figure was in front of him, when his vision cleared, the figure in front of him made him want to throw up.

It was them

"You." Three growled, he tried moving, only to realize he was tied up. "What the FUCK are you doing here!?"

⇎↧ÖΞį let out a low, sinister chuckle. They got closer to him. They laid their hands on his cheek. "Daww honey, why are you so upset? I thought you loved me?" 

Three tried biting them. They took their hands off. "Love you!? You must be fucking delusional to think that I would still fucking love you!" Three felt like his blood was on fire.

"Really now?" They asked. "Would you say the same thing about him?"

A spotlight turned on and under it was.....

"Four." Three felt a pit in his stomach. Smg4 was on a table, his body tied up.

⇎↧ÖΞį moved closer to Four. Lifting his head up, Four was pretty beaten up. "Isn't he adorable? I loved hearing his screams."

Three never wanted to kill someone more in his life.

They dropped Four with his head making a loud THUD back onto the table. "To bad he's dead now." 

Three snarled, with tears in his eyes. "You sick twisted bastard! Not even Enzo would do something like this!"

⇎↧ÖΞį got closer to Three with a fiery look in their eyes. Three never felt so small before.

They moved Three closer to them. "Aww, don't you know how cute you are?"

Three squirmed. He wanted to get out of here. Their hands traced his body. Three wanted to die.

"I find it funny that after all these years. Some things never change."

Three started sobbing, begging them to stop.

They forced Three into a kiss. "Just so you know, this is all your fault."

Smg4 OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang