Who the hell is this asshole?

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Author's note: This takes place after 'Nightmares belong in boxes' and before another fic that's in the works. 


Meggy slammed her hands down on the kitchen table. "Alright, what do we have so far?"

Fm, Bowser, and Slg4 all sat around Meggy's table. Slg4 had asked both Meggy and Bowser to help him out to find who exactly is little brother's shitty ex.

Fm raised his hand. "Wait, hold up. Why am I here? You just called me to come over and didn't elaborate." 

"Well, I thought your police background might help us in finding Smg3's ex." Meggy explained. "I mean, with the amount of stalking this guy does, they must have some criminal offence."

Fm was shocked. "Wait, so they've been stalking Three for almost ten years!?! That explains why he looked so drained after the phone call."

"Well, the only thing I know about the asshole is that they're a re-color of Mario." Bowser said. "I'm not sure if that's still true since, well... Three told me that on the night they broke up." 

"And I all I have is Three's phone. " L placed it on the table. "I took it so, if that asshole calls, they'll be answering to us."

"Won't he have noticed it's gone?" Meggy pointed out. 

"Nah, he's streaming right now. I also called Smg4 to be a distraction as well." L smirked. 

Meggy had a feeling how Four could be a distraction. "Ah, is that why you brought both Eggdog and Eggpup over?"

In Meggy's living room was Eggdog, who was taking a nap, while Loaf, Cube, and Eggpup were playing with each other.

L chuckled. "Yep."

"Okay. How about we start eliminating our opinions." Fm brought the conversation back to the pressing matter. "It couldn't be anyone in Four's friend group for obvious reasons."

"What about that Ninety-six guy? He and Smg3 seem close." Meggy pointed out.

"No." Bowser shook his head. "I knew those two since Smg3 joined my army and Ninety-six has a big mouth, he would've told everyone that they were dating." 

Meggy thought back to the quiz show in the tunnel. "Yeah, that makes sense."

"I just don't get why he's so secretive about them." L grumbled. "Why was he trying to hide his relationship with them?" 

Fm's eyes widened. "Maybe, it wasn't Three who was trying to keep that relationship a secret. But his ex."

"Huh?" The rest of them said at once.

"Why would they want it to be a secret?" Meggy asked.

"Yeah, it doesn't make any sense." Bowser agreed.

"Thinking back on it, I only found out because I noticed the first time, he came to visit me in the hospital he was happy. He danced around it for a bit, but he finally told me that he was dating someone." L looked down at the table. "Heh. I remember jokingly asking him if it was Smg4. But no, Three never really told me anything. Heck, I even have no idea if they go by they/them pronouns." 

Suddenly, Three's phone rang. L coughed into fist and picked up. "Hello?" He said, micking Three's voice perfectly.

"SMG3 HELP!!!" It was Mario. Goddammit. "Mario can't find Smg4 anywhere!"

The rest of the table face palmed. It seemed like Four forgot to leave a note. Again.

"No," L dropped Three's voice. "He and Three are together streaming."

"Slg4? How did you get Smg3's phone?"

"Look Mario. We're in the middle of trying to figure out whose Three's shitty ex. So, if you don't mind..." L growled in frustration.

"Oh. Let Mario help! He doesn't like this asshole as much as the next guy." 

"Let him help." Meggy piped up. "He helped Smg3 and Smg4 together after all." 

"Ok, fine. How quick can you make it to Meggy's house?"

Mario was quiet on the other side of the phone. Unusual for the plumber. There was a knock at the door. Meggy got up and answered it.

Mario walked in. "Hello!"

Slg4 hung up the phone. Of course. "Well, then. Like I said before, we're in the middle of trying to figure out whose Three's shitty ex."

"We realized that maybe Three was so secretive about this relationship was because of them, not Smg3 himself." Bowser said.

"Why would they want to keep it a secret was it because it was gay?" Mario asked. Meggy rolled her eyes.

Fm shrugged. "That's the thing, we don't know.  All we know is that they're a re-color of you, they stalk Three to this day and they wanted to keep a relation a secret."

Mario tried to think back. To him, it couldn't be Enzo, Three seemed fine with that guy being around. Three talks about his ex if he ever saw them again, he would have a breakdown.

"What about X's evil counterpart?" Mario asked.

Meggy shook her head. "We already ruled him out." 

Fm scoffed. "Yeah, that guy would have told everybody that he and Three were dating."

"The toilet man?" Mario suggested.

"No, he's like... twenty years older than Three. He may have a weird thing for toilets, but I think that's about it."

"Well, Mario's out of ideas."

Three's phone got a text, it was an unknown number.

L looked at it and immediately wanted to barf.

"What? What is it?" Bowser looked concerned.

L quickly deleted the message. "T-trust me. You don't wanna know." 

"Hold on. Fm is there a way anyone in the police station could figure out where Smg3's ex is by tracing them back from their text messages and phone calls?" Meggy asked the blonde.

Fm thought about it for a moment then shook his head. "No, I don't think so. Sorry."

"Well, whoever this asshole is. They must be pretty powerful." Mario slouched down in his chair.

Everyone looked at the plumber in bewilderment. 

"What makes you think that?" Meggy asked.

"Well, why else would Smg3 be so afraid to tell anyone about this asshole?" Mario explained.

Fm was silent. Thinking to himself. Did he know any powerful re-colors? 

"Well, who says we aren't even more powerful?!" Meggy got up on the table, her coach side coming through. "We have taken down gods, crazy assholes and even Nintendo themselves! What does this guy have? A computer and a screen to hide behind! So really, who really is the stronger one?"

Mario and Bowser seemed fired up. Fm nodded in agreement.

But L, well....

He thinks they must be even more powerful than all of those guys for Three to be scared of them.

Smg4 OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora