Firey eyes

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Author's note: Finally, I get to delve into something that I wanted to do for a while now.

Also, this takes place during 'It's Gotta be Perfect.' Meaning, Fm and X are still dating, but it's kept at a minimum.


X felt a sharp pain in his head, it was short, but he saw Cube injured on the ground, Fm stood there in shock and then -

"X?" Fm asked, snapping X out of his thoughts. "Is everything alright?"

The two of them were sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast, Cube happily munched on some waffles without a care in the world.

X sighed. "Yeah, just another vision... it's probably doesn't mean anything, I know you would never put your son in danger."

Fm's eyes widen in horror. "What happened in that vision?" He looked over to Cube, still happily munching on a waffle.

X shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure, but I know that vision involves Cube."

"You're right about one thing, I wouldn't never put Cube in danger." Fm got up from the kitchen table. "I'm off to work now." He ruffled the top of Cube's head and gave X a quick kiss on the cheek. "Take care! Love you!"

Cube let out a honk, waving his father off.

X was probably overthinking things... he couldn't even remember the last time one of his visions became true.


It was later in the day, when X got another vision, it was one he had before...

Fm's body laid on the ground, blood was everywhere. 

However, it became a little clearer, more zoomed out. 

X could see Four's mushroom friend, Shroomy, and Hal monitor also was there. He wasn't sure what they were but, the three of them were surrounded by demons? Zombies? A mixture of the two?

X got up, "Cube stay here." His throat felt dry. "I'm going to make sure your father doesn't die."

He hopped into his car and drove off.

Little did he know, Cube didn't listen.


"Oh no, this is bad." Shroomy said. 

It was a normal day, until the ground cracked at demons began to crawl up from hell. The police force imeditly went on the attack, while the military went to find to source of this issuse.

Shroomy was enjoying a nice walk when this all happened. Right now, he could hear his other side begging to be let out.

Right now, he was hiding behind a car with Fm, one of Smg4's old friends. The blonde man's hand was shaking as he held his gun. Fm was a bit beaten up from the on slot of demons. 

"There's too many of them..." Fm was winded. "We need back up... Where's Hal when you need him?"

A car horn could be heard from the distance, Hal was in his justice mobile form. "Stop! In the name of the law!" His computer voice buzzed out.

Many demons did momentarily stop in pure confusion over Hal. But it was quickly shaken off and they began to attack.

"Shroomy..." Fm whispered. "Four said that you have a demon hunting form. We could really use it right now."

"Uhh... I don't know. He can get pretty... extreme." Shroomy sheepishly looked down.

Fm groaned. He reloaded his gun and got out from his hiding spot. 'At least Cube and X are ok...'


X arrived at the scene to see hell was unleashed, fire was everywhere, the coppery smell of blood stung the air, and demons were crawling up from every corner.

X could see Fm up ahead, his blonde hair was messy, his uniform was ripped, and X could see Fm's cheek was scratched and bleeding. 

X could see a demon trying to blind side his boyfriend, he grabbed the gun from the car and went out into the fray, shooting the demon's head off.

Fm turned at the sound of gunfire. "X!?!" He yelled in shock. "What are you doing here!? It's too dangerous!"

"I know!" X yelled back; he shot another demon trying to attack Fm. "That's why I came! I don't want you to die!"

"What about Cube?" Fm motioned X to get closer, away from being out in the open. "He's still safe at home, right?" 

"Of course." X said. "There's no way I would ever put your son in danger." 

An explosion was heard, the two men turned to see Hal, set on fire. He gave Fm a thumbs up to show he was alive, before Hal passed out.

Demonic laughter was heard. Cube was watching from the car in horror at the sight of his dads in danger. He regrets not listening to papa. Suddenly something grabbed the little penguin from behind and dragged him out of the car.

Fm heard an all too familiar cry. "Cube!" Fm looked in horror. "X, I thought you left Cube at home?!"

"I did!" X said. "He must've followed me! Goddammit, I should've made sure I locked the door before I left."

Cube in desperation, bit the demon that was squeezing him like a chew toy. The demon roared in pain and threw him across into the car Shroomy was hiding behind.

"Cube!" Fm rushed over to his son. 

Shroomy sighed. "Welp... I guess I don't really have a choice." He loaded his shotgun, Anti-Shroomy taking over, and he went on a rampage. 

X was right behind Fm, worry in his eyes. This... This was his vision... if X didn't come, would Fm be the one injured right now?

Fm was silent, he just stood there, in shock, but then, shock became anger, then anger became rage.

Fm's blood felt like it was on fire. He balled up his fist, his hair became even more wild, and he unleashed hell.

He zoomed around the area in a flash, taking down any demon that dare crossed his path, bullet shells littered the earth, demons began to flee from both Fm and Anti-Shroomy, afraid of getting in the crossfires.

X was carrying Cube and could only watch in awe at the sight of Fm's bloodlust. He's never seen Fm act like this before.

Once the demons were finally gone, Fm calmed down. He turned towards X and Cube.

Shroomy also reappeared, with Anti-Shroomy's job being done.

"Cube!" Fm ran up towards X and his penguin son. "Is he ok?" He was breathing heavily, out of breath from taking down all those demons.

X stared at Fm's eyes, instead of their usual hazel color, they were a blood red.

Cube woke up from his involuntary nap and let out a honk.

Both X and Fm let out a sigh of relief.

"Fm, what was that?" X asked in a whisper.

Fm tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

But before X could answer, Shroomy spoke. "Oh, golly gee! Fm, I didn't know you had a cool powerful form! I guess that's why you're called, Fighting Mario, eh?"

Fm blinked. He turned back towards X.

Just when they thought they knew everything about their new bodies, it decided to give them a new curveball.

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