Beet red

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Author's note: Uh, hey just a heads up, this gets kinda spicy. Nothing explicit happens but uh just a warning if any of you are uncomfortable with it.

Also, this takes place during the same time of 'Who the hell is this asshole?'


Four was in the middle of making a video when he got a call from Slg4.

"Hello?" Four answered.

"Uh, hey Four." L was talking in a low voice, like he didn't want Three to hear him. "Can you help keep an eye on Three? I have to go somewhere to do something important."

Four immediately stood up. "Sure! I'll be there as fast as I can!"

Four heard L snicker on the other side of the phone. What was he planning? 

"Good to hear. Hey, if you want to mess with him, I left something in the bathroom. I have to go now, or else I'll be late. Bye."

Four saved his progress and portaled his way to Three's home.

When Four arrived, he noticed something odd. Eggdog and Eggpup were nowhere to be seen. Usually when the meme man came to visit, they would come over to him.

"That's odd, are they with Three?" Four mumbled to himself. 

Four remembered what L said on the phone. He made his way to the bathroom and on the counter was...


Four felt his face flush. Now it made sense why L snickered and why he couldn't find the Eggdog and Eggpup.

Yeah, he was gonna do it.


"Shit! Fuck! Oh goddammit!" Three knocked his head back in his chair. 

"Damn, you suck at this game." Belle snickered. 

The two were in a discord call. Three was streaming Fallguys with Belle, Melony, and Wimpu as his teammates. 

"It's okay Smg3. You tried your best." Wimpu tried to cheer him. 

A knock could be heard on Three's door.

Three turned his chair to face the door. "Yes?"

The door open to reveal Four but that wasn't it.

Four was in a maid outfit. 

Three's face instantly turned red.

"I thought you might need some housekeeping." Four winked.

Three put his hands in face and turned away. Four walked over and leaned into view of the camera. And Three's chat went wild.

CornGod: Smash

B0B: Im not gay, but

NotBot: Good thing my neighbors can't hear me...

98prombles: Oh damn

Ompa_Ompa: Simp!!!

KoopaKing85: rip 3

"Yo! Three, you good man?" Belle asked.

Four giggled. "He's fine. He just didn't expect me."

Belle tuned into the stream and screenshared it in the discord call.

"Oh my." Wimpu said, his own face heating up.

Melony also went silent, feeling flustered with the sight in front of her.

Belle couldn't stop laughing. "Holy shit! I can't breathe! Oh man! This is too good."

"Four, why are you wearing that?" Three carefully took his hands off his face to look at his boyfriend.

"Oh, it was your brother's idea."

Three let out a sigh, his face calming down. "Of course, he would."

Four laughed. Three shook his head. 

"Right, were you guys able to win the match without me at least?" Three asked.

"Yeah, we sure did." Belle said, still snickering at the sight of the two meme guardians.  

"Good." Three pushed in his chair, for no reason, it's not like he was trying to hide something. Nope, what gave you that clue?

Four pulled up his own chair to sit down in. 

"Okay, just don't get distracted with your boyfriend.~" Belle teased. 

Melony let out a huff. "You know we could say the same thing about you and you girlfriend Belle." She teased the red head right back.

"Wha- Hey! Lucinia's not even home!" Belle stuttered out, not expecting the tables to be turned.

Four chuckled. Oh, he was enjoying this.


After a few more rounds of Fallguys, Three was saying his goodbyes to both his friends and his stream. It's not like he could focus anyway with Four sitting right next to him, still wearing the dumb maid outfit.

"Welp, I have to go now guys." Three said.

"Alright." Belle said. "Have fun~" She let out one last tease.

Three felt his face go red again. He left the call and ended the stream. Three put his head back on the seat.

Four scooted closer to him. "Did you enjoy my little surprise?" Four giggled.

Three scooped Four out of his seat and pushed him into Three's bed. Four blushed.

"You motherfucker." Three's face was red again. "You think you can get away dressing like this?"

Four let out a chuckle. "Aw, babe. Of course not, that why I wore it."

Three rolled his eyes and kissed him. "You're such a tease."

Four pulled Three in closer. "But I'm your tease~" Four smirked. 

"Y-yeah." Three stuttered out, his body felt extremely hot. He snapped out of his trance and ran a hand across Four's body.

Four shivered. "Three..." He whimpered. 

"Say," Three leaned in to whisper into Four's ear. "Do you want a round two of the igloo?"

Three will never forget the inhuman Nosie Four made after he said that.

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