Let's go back to the castle

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Author's note: I need to get this out before they reveal the castle. Meaning this takes place after Date Night. 

Edit: Actually, this takes place during Chapter 11 of 'Date Night'


"Alright! Pay attention now!" Peach said clapping her hands together. "We're here for a very important mission." She pointed down into the demon pit. "We need to retrieve the power star from my castle to complete the new one. Got that." 

Peach looked at the group in front of her. Consisting of Meggy, Shroomy, Luigi, Fm, and X.

"Wait, shouldn't Four be here? I mean... it's his castle." Fm asked. 

Meggy rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, both Smg4 and Smg3 are still exhausted from their date last night."

"What about Mario?" X brought up.

Peach crossed her arms. "I'm not letting that dumbass having the chance breaking the star."

"Wait... those stars can break?" Shroomy asked.

Peach shook her head and got closer to the demon pit. "No, but knowing him, he'll find away."

With that, all six of them jumped into the pit. Although, as they landed Luigi fell face first, and the rest landed normally. Meggy helped the green plumber up.

"Alright, where the hell is the castle?" Fm scouted out the area. "There's no way it can't be that far." 

The group walked forward, hoping that they were going the right way. And that's when they saw something in front of them.

The castle, except now it was covered in blood. The windows were cracked, and the front door was blocked off.

Peach looked at her castle in sadness, for years this was her home, and now thanks to some weird TV head that tricked Smg4, it was stuck here in its own grave.

Meggy noticed something in front of the castle. It was a note. 

"What 'cha got there Meggy?" Shroomy asked.

Meggy didn't say anything, her arm was shaking, she gripped onto the paper in fear.

"Let me see." Fm offered. Meggy quickly gave him the note. His eyes widened in horror.

He recognized that handwriting, Fm felt his anger boil.  

The note was old, Fm isn't sure how it's still in good condition but that doesn't matter. What it said matched on what they were doing.

'Did you enjoy my little gift? :)' Was written in sparkly gold ink. Fm crumpled the paper into a ball.

"That fucking bitch." Fm mumbled. "We need to find that star, now! I rather not stay here any longer than we need to be."

Peach walked up to the stain glass window. "Well, it's a good thing then-" She stopped. "What!?!"

When she opened the window, it was empty. 

Growling was heard from behind the group. They turned around to see a bunch of toads, drooling, and oozing blood, some had missing limbs and others had their brain exposed.

X brought out his gun. "Zombies... Why is it always zombies!?!"

Shroomy, Fm, and Meggy all brought out weapons of their own.

Shroomy turned toward Luigi and Peach. "You guys go find the star, we'll handle this."

Peach turned back to face the castle before letting out a deep breath. "Luigi, I know one other place where the star might be."

Luigi shook in place. "Where?"


The two stood in front of a wooden door, but it wasn't just a normal door, no. It was the door that the carpenter got locked behind so many years ago.

 Luigi was frozen in fear, sure he never been here but he's heard the stories.

Peach walked up towards the door. She was also terrified on what could be on the other side. But they need that star!

She opened the door to reveal the power star shining in the middle of the room. The princess looked around to see if there was anybody.

No one.

She let out a sigh of relief. Peach grabbed the star and then the castle began to shake.

"LET'S GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!" Luigi yelled.

Back outside, the zombies began to run after the castle began to crumple.  

Meggy, Fm, and Shroomy were exhausted. X seemed fine, to him that nothing.

Luigi and Peach hopped out of the hole where once stain glass window once was.

"We got the star! Now let's go!" Peach said.

Everything around the group seemed to fall apart. Once they reached the way out, Shroomy brought out his makeshift cannon.

The entire group hopped in.

"Hey watch it!" Meggy said, the cannon being too dark and crowed for her to see.

"Sorry." Luigi apologized.

The cannon faced upwards and fired. The group screamed as they were hurled into the air.

They all landed in a big pile outside of the demon pit.

"H-holy shit." Fm said. "We did it."


Peach held up the star to the head engineer.

He grabbed the star and put it in his sandwich. Then, he ate it. Powered by the star he went at super speed. 

The Smg4 group watched in awe. 

Meggy noticed someone was missing. 'Wait, where's Smg3? Wouldn't he want to see this?' She looked at Four, there were bags under his eyes. 'Then again, maybe he's still tired from their date.' 

Finally, the engineer wiped the sweat of his head. "It's done." He grabbed the tarp to reveal the castle.

In which that we're going to have to wait and see on what it looks like because the author wrote this before the new castle was built. 

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