Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow

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Author's note: Yesterday, some unknown fire popped up and now I can't even go outside to enjoy the nice weather without coughing up a lung. So, I need to my frustrations out with some angst.

Also, this takes place after 'The Confession' and before 'Not Much Bro, How 'bout You?'

Also Also, trigger warning for: past abusive relationships, stalking, and some gory descriptions


Three was enjoying his morning cup of coffee, Eggdog was sitting in his lap. 

A few days ago, Four had confessed his feelings to the edgy meme man, in which Three happily respirated. The two haven't stopped sending each other messages of love and affection since. 

Three even changed Four's name on his phone, to show how much their relationship had changed.

Three got a call from an unknown number. He declined the call, too early to deal with scammers.

Then, Three got a text message with a picture attached. His heart sank when he saw it.

It was of him and Four, from when Mario had forced them to kiss for tik-tok challenges.

Unknown number: Pick up the phone. NOW!

Unknown number: I'm going to keep spamming you if you don't

Three felt his hands shake. Eggy looked up to see why her father had stopped petting her. She let out a bark.

Three got her off his lap. "Daddy will be right back sweetie." His voice was shaking. "Daddy has to make a phone call right now."

He entered his room. He growled in anger. 'Goddammit. Why do they still scare me?'

His phone rang again, Three sighed and picked up the phone. "Hello?" He tried not to shake in place.

"Hello, sweetheart." Their voice was cold and bitter. "Why are you betraying me like this?"

Three's phone dinged, they had sent him another picture of him and Four.

But... this photo was taken yesterday! Neither meme guardian had shared it to anyone!

"H-How d-did you?" Three's voice was wavering. 

"I have my ways, darling. ~" Three knew that sweet voice was a lie. They chuckled on the other side.

"I thought Smg4 was your enemy, your rival, your polar opposite in every way! Why are you dating him!?" They yelled out, Three had to move away the phone from his ear to not get any damage done to it.

"People change." Three hissed back. "But, I expect you don't know anything about that." Three was silently proud of himself, standing up to the piece of shit that was his ex.

Three heard them on the other side slam something, maybe the wall? He wasn't quite sure.

"Listen here." Their voice became even more harsh, if Three could see their face, he's pretty sure venom would be dripping out of their mouth.

"If you continue to stay with Smg4, hell will be coming both your ways." They threatened. 

"O-oh y-yeah?" Three's confidence was gone. "W-what are you g-going to do about it?"

Three heard them evilly chuckle on the other side. "I'll rip your 'boyfriend' into shreds, piece by piece. Smash his head in with a hammer. Maybe even cut him open, and have you eat his heart."

Three felt sick to his stomach. "I-I'll stop you." He can't let them win this encounter.

They let out another laugh. "Oh, you can't stop me, you'll be too busy tied up. And maybe..." Their voice became more lower, more lust filled. "Maybe then we can have some fun.~"

Three was done with this conversation. He hung up and threw his phone into the wall. His legs gave out, tired from all the shaking in place.

Tears began to slip from his face. Three began to beat himself up.

"Why?" He croaked. "Why do they keep stalking me? What do I have that they want so badly? Why can't I stand up for myself?"

Three heard his child on the other side of the door, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He opened the door, only to be tackled by Eggdog. He hugged her, stroking her fur calmed him down.

Three heard his phone ding. Eggdog grabbed the phone to see Four had sent him a funny video of Mario stuck inside a baby swing.

Three gripped his phone tight. 'Don't worry, Glitchy.' Three thought to himself. 'I'll keep you safe, I'll make sure they never hurt you. If it's the last thing I do.'

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