I want closure

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Author's note: Happy Pride! Have some more angst! :D

Trigger warning for: Abusive relationships


Three never felt this way about someone before. Is this what love feels like?

He had been chatting with ⇎↧ÖΞį a whole lot recently, and they hit it off really well. They had planned to talk over a skype call.

So Smg3 sat alone in his room like they asked. He felt nervous, what if they took one look at him and turned away.

When he first saw who ⇎↧ÖΞį was in real life, blackmailed happened on both parties' end. 

It was on the second skype call Three admitted his feelings for ⇎↧ÖΞį. They admitted that they liked Three back.

For a while they would have skype dates, they would also text each other a lot. ⇎↧ÖΞį found it weird that Three liked memes so much, but Three simply told them that, "They make me laugh." 

So, that was their dating life until today. They were going to discreetly meet in person, which really excited ⇎↧ÖΞį.

As Three headed out he got a call. It was Slg4, his brother. "L? Is everything okay?" He asked his sick brother.

"T-Thr-Three... I-I don't think... I'm going to m-make it." L's voice wheezed out. He hung up after that. Smg3 ran to the hospital, hoping that it wasn't true.

When he got to his brother's room...

He was too late. His brother was already dead.

Three stood in the doorway for a long time, listening to the flatline on the heart monitor.


⇎↧ÖΞį found him sulking outside on the roof of an old building. "Where the fuck did you go!?!?" Their voice growled, Three turned to them with tears in his eyes. ⇎↧ÖΞį spoke again "I felt so stupid waiting for you alone! So, I'm gonna ask again, where did you fucking go?"

Three's throat was tight, it hurt when he spoke. "I-I went to the hospital. M-my brother, he was dying!"

⇎↧ÖΞį gave Three an unamused look "And why should I care?" They asked him.

Three felt the world falling around him. "W-what?"

"Why should I care?" They spoke to him again, like an angry parent would do to a child. "You left me alone, making feel so stupid. Dammit, you didn't even tell me anything!"

"I-I'm sorry." Three could feel tears trying to spill down his face but, he wasn't going to cry. Not in front of ⇎↧ÖΞį, anyway.

"Pathic."⇎↧ÖΞį spat back. "You're supposed to be Smg4's mortal enemy, yet here you are crying like a baby. Grow the fuck up."

⇎↧ÖΞį left Three alone after that, the dark Mario recolor made his way home, sobbing.

As he laid down on his bed, he got a text, it was from them.

Sweetheart😘: Hey, sorry about earlier. I let my anger get the best of me. I didn't mean dose things. I love you <3

Three stared at the text for a while, ⇎↧ÖΞį was his only source of happiness right now, if he cut them off, then Three would be alone.

I love you too.

Three's hands shook as ⇎↧ÖΞį sent him another message, one that made him want to throw up.

Sweetheart😘: By the way

Sweetheart😘: You owe me a date

Sweetheart😘: So how about Monday we meet at my place. ;)

Uh, why?

Sweetheart😘: I know the perfect place, it's near what I live. It would be easier if you come here

Uh, I can't Monday, I have a dentist appointment.

Three can't believe he lied to them. But he didn't feel comfortable going on that date. Luckily for Three, they bought it.

Sweetheart😘: Ah, ok

Sweetheart😘: Next time then

Smg3 shut off his phone and curled under the blankets. What did get himself into?


Author's note two electric boogaloo: Hopefully the text messages between Three and his ex, look alright. 

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