The notebook

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Author's note: This is just my theory on what's in the notebook. So, this is not a part of my au.

Also, any of these () means it's not a part of Three's diary.

Also, also, sorry if any of the dates are inaccurate, I'm writing this in the middle of the night and don't feel like looking up when the episodes had come out.


Mario did it. He finally did it.

He has Smg3's diary.

Now, to see what's inside.


Entry 1, 14/5/2011 

Dear diary, ugh no. that sounds to girly... (It was crossed out with purple ink)

Smg3's evil villain log. Yeah, that's sounds way cooler. 

Anyways, I just graduated and got my PhD in psychology. But today when I was exploring YouTube, I saw him again. My rival from Memewarts, Smg4.

He thinks he's so great! Always having a natural talent, well, jokes on him. I'm gonna be even better than he ever was!

Uh, that's all I gotta say,

peace, Smg3

Entry 2, 30/10/2011

Smg3's evil villain log,

Today fucking sucked! Smg4 found out that was stealing his videos, it's not my fault that they are good ideas and I have trouble creating something from scratch.

Wait, why am I complimenting him?! ugh!

Then, I got the snot beat outta me by one of his friends, and when I made my daring escape, I got a bunch of paper cuts. :(

Smg4 is going to pay for everything he has done to me.



Entry 3, 13/8/2012

Smg3's evil villain log,

I finally found this thing again! Anyways a lot happened, I tried trapping Smg4 and his pals into a never-ending nightmare but that didn't work. I also got beaten up by him, Mario and his friends' multiple times! 

It's really starting to come pointless. 

Why can't I just let him go!?!


Entry 4, 15/12/2012

Smg3's evil villain log,

Why does no one here in this god forsaken universe have a braincell!?!

I tried to gather all of the other foes from Smg4's past to take him down, but it was worthless.

(There are dried tear marks on the page.)

He treats me like a fucking joke. I'm really starting to get sick of this...

I just want to win, just for once.



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