I just wish that you were gay

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Author's note: It's only fair that Fm also gets a chapter about his feelings. 

Also, this immediately takes place after 'Am I gay?'


When Fm was safe and sound in his bedroom, he put his head in his hands. He wanted to scream. How could he be so stupid?  He let his own fatigue get to him and fell asleep right on X's shoulder.

He slowly dragged his hands down off his face. He changed to his Pjs and got in bed.

But now, he couldn't go to sleep. 'Dammit!' The blonde Mario recolor thought to himself. 

He could fall asleep just fine a few minutes ago but now, he's too antsy. His mind glued on the fact that he fell asleep on his best friend's shoulder.

'He's definitely mad at me.' Fm turned to his side, seeing Cube already asleep in his own little bed. He smiled, before he let it falter. 'X couldn't even look at me. Did I really make him that upset?'

Fm grabbed one of his pillows and screamed in it. "Ffffuuuucccckkkkk!"

He lifted up his head, his face now red from screaming. He turned to look at Cube, who was still fast asleep.

Fm sighed of relief. 'Why do care so much about this?' He angrily thought to himself. 'Why do I care about this slip up? Why do I care that X is mad at me?'

His eyes felt heavy. 'Maybe, I'll find the answer in the Morning.'


Even in his dreams he couldn't escape X. 

X was right next to Fm, smiling at him. "Hey, thanks for calming me down back there. I appreciate it."

Oh, Fm remembered this now, it was after the t-pose outbreak. "No problem, man." He had said.

"You're a great friend Fm." X smiled brightly at Fm.

Fm, meanwhile finally understood. He finally understood why cared about the slip up, X being mad at him, and all of this in the first place.

He was in love with his best friend.


Fm woke up, his face red, but not from screaming this time. He could also feel his heart racing. He sat up in bed, hoping that would help. (It did not.)

He kinda knew that he wasn't straight, he first got the hint when they had movie night awhile back and they watched '1997's the Mummy.' 

But, he still felt stupid. Stupid that he had fallen in love with his best friend and didn't even realize it. 

'What if X doesn't like me back? Would he still even want to live with me?' Fm folding his legs, sitting in the dark. He looked up at the ceiling, where he and X had put in glow-in-dark stickers for Cube.

Determination kicked in; an idea formed in his head. Fm smirked.

'Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.'

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