Rosy cheeks

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Author's note: There will never be a smut chapter, mainly because I'm asexual sex repulsed. Just wanted to put that out there. But there will still be refences to sex, but it will be never shown.

Also, this story takes place a few hours before 'Not much bro, how 'bout you?'


Four laid down the convertible couch for him and Three to sleep on. 

'Soon, I no longer have to do this and will have a real bed to sleep on again.' The meme man was extremely happy as tomorrow, they were going to start building the castle. 

The bathroom door open and out stepped Smg3 in a purple night shirt along with grey sweatpants and eggdog slippers.

"Ready for tomorrow?" Three grinned, walking towards the bed.

"You bet I am! There's still one thing I need to pick up from the post office. But, other than that, we're all good!" 

"Good to hear. Now, I'm ready to conk out." Three flopped on the bed. 

Four giggled at his boyfriend's silly antics as he climbed in the bed next to him. Eggdog jumped up and laid down at the foot of the bed.

"Goodnight Glitchy." Three whispered, his eyes already closed.

"Night." Four closed his eyes.

Suddenly a thought came into his mind. Besides a couple of days ago, the last time Three and him shared a bed was.

"Uh, Three." Four could already feel his cheeks becoming red.

Three opened an eye. "Yeah? What's up?"

"W-was it true?" Four's face was completely red at this point. "Was I your first?"

Three narrowed his eyes in confusion. "First what?"

"Do you remember what happened back in that igloo?"

Three's face began to heat up, turning a rosy pink. "Oh. That." He said flatly. 

"Yeah. That." Four flatly responded. "I don't want you to take this the wrong way. I'm asking because well... you know..." Four felt so embarrassed that he couldn't get his words out.

Three rolled his eyes. "Of course, you were my first. I would I lie about not having sex? If anything, I would've lied about not being a virgin, to prove I got more bitches than you."

Four snickered at that, his embarrassment dying down. "Shut up!"

"Make me." Three retorted back.

Four pulled Three in for a kiss. "Goodnight Three."

"Sweet dreams, my love."

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