I thought lost you

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Author's note: This might be the last one-shot for a while. I'm going to focus my attention on my fic 'Nightmares belong in boxes'. Which should also have a new chapter out after this.

Also, thanks @ladyjthegamergal for this idea!



Blood was everywhere.

Blood was everywhere on Fm's body. He wasn't breathing.

X could only scream out, tears running down his face.


X woke up from his nightmare, or was it a vision?

Ever since they changed and no longer were Mario recolors, X's powers began to grow and change themselves. 

It really annoyed him.

X got out of bed to check on Fm. 

He first went to his room, Fm wasn't there. X could hear noises coming from the kitchen downstairs.

When he got there, he saw Cube in his little highchair, and Fm making breakfast.

Cube honked, gaining Fm's attention. "Oh, morning X! I was just about to make pancakes. You want some?"

X let out a tried "Sure." and made his way up to his boyfriend. He hugged Fm like he was going to vanish into thin air.

Fm chuckled. "Someone's clingy today." X didn't say anything back. Fm's face fell. "Did you have a bad dream last night?"

X let out a mmph. Fm let go of the frypan to hug him. "Aww babe. I'm right here." He kissed X on the top of head. "I love you."

X finally let go of Fm. "I love you too."

He was safe, and that's all that mattered to X.

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