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Author's note:  Man, I love suffering.

Also, this takes place after 'Date Night'


Smg4 and Smg3 jumped out of Peach's castle, grabbing on to the ledge. The two meme guardians looked at each other.

Four felt his heart was still racing. 'God, please don't tell me I'm blushing right now.'

The wall shook, Three lost his grip, but before he could fall into the demon pit, Four grabbed on to his leg.

"I got you!" Four's own grip was getting weaker. He had to hurry and get them out of there.

The wall shook again, and Four dropped the usb containing the perfect video and it landed right on his shoe.

Three's eyes widened in horror. "What are you doing? Don't you remember what I said!?"

Four now had a choice. 

Smg3 or the usb.

"We can make another!" Three pleaded with him.

Four's eyes were glued onto the usb.

"Were... Were friends." Three admitted.

Four felt like someone was watching them. 

'He's lying.' A dark voice said. 'The moment he gets out he'll go back to hating you.' 

Four felt tears forming in his eyes.

"Four?" Three sounded so terrified.

'He doesn't even love you.' The dark voice boomed. 

Four gulped, the wall shook again.

Three and the usb were falling. Four reached out his hand. Thank God, Four was going to save him.

Four clutched on to the usb, watching Three fall deeper into the pit.

Three's eyes watered, heartbroken. "So, after everything..." His voice broke. 


Four woke up with a start. His body shaking.

He was home at the castle. His castle.

"Just a bad dream... it was just a bad dream... Three's not dead. He's fine, he's okay. It was just a bad dream. He's not gone. It was just a bad dream." Four mumbled to himself, tears threatened to spill out.

Four felt something hit his leg.

It was the beeg plushie. 

Four picked him up and held him tight.

Four got up from his bed, there was no point in going back to sleep.

He sat down at his computer desk. 'Might as well work on something...'

Four wished that this hadn't became a nightly occurrence.

Smg4 OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now