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Author's note: Part two of my wild west au, the bad ending.

Also, trigger warning for blood and death. (Sadly)


It was a new day in Mushroom Gluch. The sound of a rooster woke Smg4 up bright and early.

After getting ready, he made his way to the town jail to meet with Sherif Meggy. 

When he entered, Swag was asleep behind the counter, having his hat down and boots up on the counter. 

In one of the jail cells were the Wah brothers, two crooks who have been locked up for a while now.

Meggy's office door opened, startling Swag, causing him to tumble backwards and land on his butt.

Meggy looked down at the jailer. "Were you sleeping on the job again?" Meggy put her hands to her hips. "Swag, I'm not paying you to sleep on the job." 

"No, I was just resting my eyes for a moment." Swag tried to defend himself. "Besides, our two crooks are still here." He points at the jail cell where the Wah brothers are.

Inside the jail cell were two men, one wearing yellow and other purple. The yellow one was still fast asleep, while the purple one was playing the harmonica.

Meggy let out a sigh. Four decided to make his presence known. "Good morning, Sheriff!"

Meggy looked up to see her deputy. "Well, good morning to you too, Deputy." She crossed her arms. "Be careful out there today, okay?  It looks like a storm is coming by later." 

Four put a hand over his heart. "I promise, I be back before the first rain drop."

The Sheriff frowned as she watched Four leave. Swag leaned in closer to her. "Is he still being gay for the Indigo Dynamite?"

Meggy gave Swag a death glare, he slowly back away from the angry Sheriff.


Smg3 noticed he was being followed. "Eggy," He whispered quietly to his companion. "Do you get the feeling we're being watched?"

 "Well, hello there." A voice called from above the canyon he was in.

Three looked up to Deputy Glitch standing there.

Smg3 smirked. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Deputy Glitchy." He put a hand on his hip, ready to take out his gun.

"Save the talk, Dynamite." Four growled. He slid down the canyon and took out his own gun. "You're under arrest."

Three scoffed back, pretending to look offended. "Whatever for? I have done nothing wrong?" 

Four rolled his eyes. "For continuing to terrorize the town of Mushroom Gluch."

Before the two could even duel, gunfire ran down on both men. The unknown gunfire startling Four right into falling down and landing right on Three.

"Urgh! Get off me!" Three yelled, pushing the Deputy off. 

Both men made their way behind one of the many secure rocks in the canyon. Three peeked out from behind to see something that he never wanted to see ever again. 

One shot Wren.

"Hello Dynamite! Fancy seeing you here!" Wren had a crazy grin on his face.

Wren was wearing a long black coat, black cowboy hat, black cowboy boots, and he had a nasty scar chiseled into his face.

"What in the devil's name are you doing here." Three growled. He and Glitch were trying to have their duel, and he was going to win! 

 Wren spoke again. "Well, I was on my way to see the Sheriff, but I saw you two yah-hoos out here and I couldn't help myself."

Eggy whimpered at his feet. Smg3 looked down to see Glitch was unconscious, his head bleeding, he didn't seem to be struck by a bullet, thankfully. 

Three pulled out some tnt from his back pocket. The sky rumbled, oh crap! He quickly lit the stick and threw it into Wren's direction.

Wren dodged out of the way and shot Smg3 right into the chest.

But, Smg3 had come prepared. He smirked; Wren looked terrified. 

"How?" Wren growled. "How could you survive a bullet like that?"

Three punched Wren in the face. Wren fell back to see Three's vest was open to reveal an old washing board. 

Wren growled and flung himself towards Three with a murderous look in his eyes.

The two struggled for a while. While they were fighting Wren lost his gun and Three, his makeshift bullet proof vest. 


Four woke up, his head hurting. He looked over to the washing board. He picked it up in pure confusion.

"Why the hell is something like this is doing out here?" He asked himself. 

Suddenly, Four heard a yell. He turned his head to see One Shot Wren and Indigo Dynamite in a fistfight. 

Four grabbed his gun and aimed it at Wren, shooting him in the leg. Wren fell to the ground, groaning in pain, there was no way he was going to live with that injury.

Dynamite looked over towards the gunfire. "G-Glitchy..." He breathed out. "You saved me. Why?"

Four looked down, he felt his face blush. He didn't know why. 

While the two were distracted, Wren inched his way towards his gun. With a shaky hand he held it and pointed it directly at Four. 

"Goodbye Deputy." Wren smirked. 

Dynamite could only do one thing, he jumped in the way of the bullet, taking the hit instead.

He fell to the ground, coughing up blood. 

Four fired again at Wren, and shot him right in between his eyes, killing him instantly.

Four wobbled his way towards Dynamite. He was still breathing. Four picked him up and began to book it back towards Mushroom Gluch, with Eggy right behind him.

It began to rain on their way back. Four made his horse began to go even faster.

Three tried to keep his eyes open. His breathing was shallow. He looked towards Four, he smiled. The blood loss was too much.

Three closed his eyes, "Goodbye, Glitchy." He managed to get out.

Eggy whined, pawing at her master.


Meggy and Mario were underneath the roof of the first aid center, the first building when you entered the town. Mario held a lantern. Since Four wasn't back yet. It made Meggy worry, and Mario offered to help her look for him.

"Meggy, look! It's Smg4!" Mario pointed out in the distance.

Meggy let out a sigh of relief, but as Four got closer, her smile turned into a frown.

On the back of his horse was a bloody Indigo Dynamite and his companion Eggy.

Four scooped up Dynamite, Mario opened the door to the first aid center, and the two men ran in. 

Meggy stayed behind, something nudged her feet. She looked down to see Eggy, whining, tail down and ears folded back. She picked up the small pooch. 

It seems they both knew. 

It was too late for Dynamite.

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