Unlikely friends

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Author's note: Shout out to Newtstesco on Tumblr for the idea the Fm and Meggy would be friends. I need a break from angst anyways.


Meggy was out shopping to get some food for Loaf. Despite his name, Loaf can be very hyperactive when he wants too, usually in the middle of the night.

Meggy sighed. "Maybe there's some way Loaf can release that energy without interrupting my sleep."

Of course, it seemed liked luck would have it; Loaf's kibble was on a shelf a little too high up. Meggy being the stubborn girl that she is, stood on her tiptoes to grab the bag.

She managed to grab the bag. However, the extra weight added made everything unbalanced, causing Meggy to fall backwards, hitting the person behind her. An oof was heard from both parties.

"Ah! I sorry, I was just trying to get food for my cat. I didn't mean to bump into you." Meggy quickly apologized.

The stranger lifted up his hat from its knocked down position while he spoke "It's fine, it's your not fault the store-" Once the stranger fixed his hat, he turned to the person apologizing to him. "Meggy!?"

'Wait a minute.' Meggy looked at the man she bumped into. Red sweater, black jeans, purple gloves, and blonde hair. "FM!?"

"It's good to see you again." He chuckled. "Gosh, when was the last time we saw each other? It was Smg4's birthday, in 2022, right?"

"Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you. Did every Mario recolor change their appearance?"

"No, it was only X and me. I guess since we appear in Four's videos the most, we changed."

"Ah, that makes sense." Meggy looked away, feeling quite awkward. She wasn't used to hanging out with Smg4's old friends. "Well, it was nice catching up with you Fm, but I better pay for this. Loaf gets cranky if he doesn't have his food on time."

Fm chuckled. "Cube is the same way." An idea popped into his head. "Say, does Loaf get out of your house a lot?"

Meggy tilted her head. "Uh, no not really. He's more of an indoor cat." She admitted. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I kinda overheard you talking to yourself earlier, and Cube could really hang out with someone that isn't me or X." Fm scratched the back of his neck. "Besides, it would also be great for us. Since we really only each other through Four."

The last part was true, all the stuff she has heard about Smg4's old friends was through Four himself.

"You know what? That's not such a bad idea." Meggy smiled.

The two planned out the playdate for Cube and Loaf, and then parted ways.


On the day the playdate was supposed to happen Loaf refused to get in the pet carrier.

"Loaf, c'mon! I already told you we aren't going to the vet." Meggy complained. Loaf let out a small hiss, clearly not buying it.

Meggy, done with Loaf's attitude went for a different plan. She grabbed a towel and wrapped up Loaf in it. He let out a confused meow, baffled on what just happened.

Meggy started to head down to her car. "Let's go Loaf, you're going to love this playdate."


When Meggy arrived, the first thing she notice is X tending to the greenery outside. He was also wearing a sunhat on his head, most likely to block out the harsh sun.

X turned around and greeted Meggy as she and Loaf got out of her car. "Hey Meggy! Fm told me about you coming over today." X noticed that Loaf was wrapped like a burrito. "What's up with Loaf?"

Meggy readjusted Loaf in her arms. "He refused to get in his pet carrier, so I had to come up with a plan b. This was the only way for me to get him here without me becoming a new scratching post."

X chuckled at Meggy's joke. Just then, the front door opened to revel Fm and behind him, was Cube clutching on one of his legs.

"Cube," Fm said gently, like a caring parent. "You don't need to be so shy. Meggy and Loaf aren't going to bite." He knelt down to pet the penguin's head.

Cube cautiously walked over to Meggy. She let Loaf out of his towel prison and let him on the ground.

The two creatures meet up in the middle. Loaf circled around the penguin, as Cube watched the cat do so.

Loaf hunched down wiggling his tail and Cube let out a couple of happy honks.

They liked each other. Thank goodness.

"How about we head into the backyard." Fm piped up. "There's plenty of room and shade, it's going to be hot today."


Fm and Meggy were watching Cube and Loaf play with one of the many toys in the backyard. The two humans were sitting in the shade, on some old patio furniture. X had brought out some lemonade, saying he will be joining them soon. He just to finish cleaning out the front yard first.

Right now, Meggy was telling Fm about her house, and how Bob turned it into a hotel while she went on vacation.

"And the most annoying part out it? He expects me to pay rent, in my own house." Meggy grumbled.

"Yeesh." Fm couldn't believe what he just heard about her living situation. "And here I thought Ben was a weird roommate."

"Yeah," Meggy took a quick sip of the lemonade. "Sometimes, I'm half tempted to leave and find a new place to live. It can get quite annoying sometimes."

Fm shrugged. "Well, hey. If you ever need a place to stay to get away for one night, you're always welcomed here."

Meggy looked out into the yard seeing Cube and Loaf chasing a butterfly.

Meggy softly smiled. "Thanks Fm, just warn me when you and X get spicy." She teased the blonde.

Fm choked on his drink.

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