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🇬 🇦 🇧 🇷 🇮 🇪 🇱 🇱 🇦 :

I can't help but inhale the scent of the car. It smells so familiar, yet I can't seem to pinpoint where I've smelt it before. Sugary sweet with a subtle floral note that lingers just long enough to be smelt.

The blonde girl sits in the passenger seat. She turns the music low and turns, so that she's facing pretty boy. Her legs folded beneath her. A twinge of jealousy heats my cheeks, and I hate myself for it.

"That's not safe," His rich voice startles me slightly, but I brush it off and act as if nothing happened.

"Well, I didn't ask if it was." Blondy counters, tugging at her golden strands and tying it up into a messy bun. She shifts her gaze to me, her lips tugging into a soft smile.

"Hi. Sorry, we never got to introduce ourselves." She stretches out her hand to me, and I take it into mine. "I'm Theodora, but you can call me Theo." She lets go of my hand and gestures toward pretty boy.

"The annoying one driving is my brother, Hunter." And just like that, the jealousy fizzles into near uncomfortable embarrassment.

I am not attracted to him.

Hunter makes a sound that I assume is supposed to resemble a scoff. This makes Theo smile. Then she gestures to the guy sitting beside me, Hazel eyes.

"That's Jason. He may seem all smiles and kindness on the outside, but he's an antisocial grump on the inside. I asked him to be nice just for today." Jason mutters a gentle hi before settling a glare on Theo. She seems to brush him off and motions to the two people sitting behind Jason and I.

The red-headed girl with beautiful teal eyes and a boy with dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes. All of Hunter's unfairly attractive friends. Theo introduces me to them.

The red-headed girl is named Josephine, who likes to be called Josie, and the boy with baby blue eyes is named Luka. They're not American, from what I can tell by their strong European accents.

The car comes to a halt in front of a tall metal gate that looks like something out of a horror movie. A large, cursive T.M. sits at the very top in a circle that looks to be made of a different kind of metal than the actual gate. Theo rolls her window down and reaches out. An abrupt buzzing noise flows in through the open window, and a second later, the gate creaks and opens slowly.

The car wobbles side to side as it rolls across the uneven ground beneath it. The gravel crunches almost satisfyingly underneath the weight of the vehicle. We drive up along a makeshift pathway, tall trees surrounding us for the first minute or so.

Sun light shines blindingly into the car as Hunter makes a slight turn, driving along a new pathway. This one is surrounded by a garden of beautiful red roses. He makes another turn, and we're driving into a circle of flowers.

The house I'd seen a few minutes ago comes into view; a tall burgundy brick Victorian style home, with a white balcony that serves as a massive canopy to cover the front porch. The white accents accentuate the red brick beautifully.

The circle of flowers that surround the mansion is in a zigzag pattern of stunning red roses, purple tulips, and white gardenias. The gardenias sends a sudden rush of nausea to my system. I swallow roughly and focus on the elegant water fountain that sits right in the middle of the circle.

It's a ceramic bowl-like structure filled with water that glistens under the afternoon sun. In the very center sits a statue of a woman in a flowy dress. Her straight hair hangs loose along her back, and in her hands, she holds a bouquet of flowers.

Gardenias. They're Gardenias.

I startle when a hand is placed onto my shoulder. Jason stares at me, his brow drawn tight with concern. "You okay?" He asks. I feel myself nod, but I'm not quite sure if it's the truth.

"Yes," I reply weakly, just to convince him, and perhaps myself, that I am telling the truth. We step out of the car, and Jason tells me to hold onto him for support. With my arm slung around his shoulder and his hand holding tightly onto my waist, we move at a rather slow pace toward the house.

When we finally make it, I'm moved through the foyer-the foyer with a diamond chandelier hanging from the ceiling and a double set of stairs that leads to the second floor- and into a room built into one of the staircases. Jason leads me to a chair and tells me Theo will be right with me.

This feels weirdly like a hospital waiting room.


A half hour later, my ankle is all bandaged up, with a cute little rose pin to keep it together. My ankle isn't broken, thankfully. Merely sprained. And I was told to keep off of it for as much as possible. They'd offered to drive me to school if need be, but I refused.

I don't think I'd be able to stand being near pretty boy-Hunter- for that long and that many times, either.

After wrapping my foot, Theo offered to drive me home and I'd humbly accepted, wanting, no, needing to get out of that house as quickly as humanly possible.

That entire property radiated a weird aura that left me with a migraine and a nauseating feeling that settled low in my stomach.

And to top it all off, when I'd gotten home minutes ago, I'd found a red note attached to my door from my landlord.

It read;

Two weeks rent due with the total of $1500,00. Failure to adhere to said payment for another week will result in termination of contract.

The funny thing is, I don't recall not paying rent for the last two weeks. Even funnier? I only have $800 to my name.

This is going to be a God awful long week ahead of me.

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