I quickly made my way out of the bathroom, looking at YoonGi one more time before I completely left just to make sure he would be okay. I left my room and then made my way to HoSeok and JiMin's room. Their door was slightly ajar so one of them must of gotten up at some point and didn't close the door all the way. I softly knocked to see if one of them was already awake. Hearing the soft footsteps through the room I must of been right. "Kook?" JiMin looked up at me sleepily. "Hyung, I'm really sorry to wake both of you at this time but I need help." I quickly rambled off. "What time is it? Why are you up?" JiMin questioned softly. I exhaled slowly. "Its YoonGi Hyung. I think he might be sick or something. I'm not sure. He isn't responding to me and I don't know what to do. I need help. I need Hobi Hyung to please come help me."

JiMin's POV

     Hearing the worry and stress in JungKook's voice I knew he was serious. I nodded, agreeing to help him. "Okay Kook. I understand. I'll wake Hobi. Go back to Hyung and we'll be right there." I replied softly, patting his shoulder. "Please hurry. He's in my bathroom." JungKook rambled off and then quickly went back to his room. "What's wrong Mini?" HoSeok groggily asked. "Something is wrong with YoonGi Hyung, JungKook is kind of panicking, and needs your help." I quickly replied as I grabbed a hoodie and threw it on not caring that it was one of HoSeok's and it was big on me. HoSeok quickly got out of bed, seeming to be much more awake and alert now. He grabbed a shirt from the floor and headed for the door. "Let's go see what's got Kook so worried." HoSeok spoke as he grabbed my hand and we headed to JungKook's room. His door was left open and walking in we could see the light from the bathroom that shown into the room.

     The bathroom door was left open halfway way and JungKook's voice could be heard. He was speaking softly as he ran his fingers through YoonGi's hair when we walked in. "I got help Hyungie. I don't know what to do so I got someone to come help." I watched him kiss YoonGi's temple gently as he whispered sweet calming words to him. 'JungKook really has grown into a good man.' I thought as I watched him. It was pretty clear that YoonGi had thrown up at some point, he was on his knees leaned over the toilet but what caught me be surprise and had me worried was the vacant, glazed over look in YoonGi's eyes. Tear tracks were visible on YoonGi's cheeks which was a rare sight even after everything with Jay but if I didn't know any better I would think he was dead. HoSeok squeezed my hand. "Shit." He breathed out before walking over and running his hand along YoonGi's face.

HoSeok's POV

     "Turn the lights off JiMin." I spoke as softly as I could but still loud enough to be heard. JiMin nodded and flipped the switch. The bathroom quickly went dark. "How long has he been like this Kook?" I quietly asked. "I'm not sure. I woke up and heard him throwing up in here. When I came to check on him he was like this." JungKook replied, sounding stressed. "Okay." My eyes were adjusting to the dark, luckily it wasn't too dark and it was easy to see where everyone was. "Let's get him back to bed." JungKook quickly stood up from my suggestion and carefully leaned YoonGi away from the toilet. "Watch his head. I'm going to pull his legs out from underneath him so you can pick him up." "Okay." JungKook whispered back as he sat behind YoonGi, his legs on each side of him, and he supported him from behind. I quickly pulled YoonGi's legs out from underneath himself.

     JungKook wasted no time and scooped him up and carried him to the bed. "What's wrong? Will he be okay?" JiMin questioned, placing his hand on my arm. "Yeah. I'll talk to NamJoon about YoonGi's meds. The last time YoonGi was on antidepressants he would get terrible head aches. When they became migraines that lasted for days he would just quit taking the meds. Then his mood would drastically drop. It was a struggle but he refused to take them again and he went to a few therapy sessions and talked to me more. I completely forgot about that. Actually I'm surprised he even agreed to take them again." I rubbed my temple, remembering how much of a struggle YoonGi's moods were before.

JungKook's POV

     I overheard HoSeok explaining to Jimin about the side effects YoonGi use to get from the antidepressants. "He's been on antidepressants before?" I asked softly. "Yeah. It was years ago. He will be okay JK. We just need to let him sleep, keep the room dark, quiet, and maybe turn the ac on. It'll help keep the pain from spiking. He threw up because the pain got to be too much. Put a wastebasket next to the bed where he can get to it quickly if he needs to. I'll talk to NamJoon about this. We'll figure it all out." HoSeok spoke as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "What about the look in his eyes? I've seen it before but its like he isn't here?" I asked before he and JiMin left my room. "Yeah. I've only seen him have that look maybe twice. He's disassociating. It's too painful so he distances himself." HoSeok ruffled my hair. "You're doing great with him. We will get him through this. It's late. Try to get some sleep, make sure he drinks plenty of water. I will bring back something for him to take to help take the edge off the migraine and I will talk to NamJoon." I nodded my head in agreement and they left the room.

     I went back to my bathroom and ran cool water on a wash cloth, wringing it out, and grabbing a wastebasket along the way, I wanted to help ease his pain anyway I could. I sat on the edge of my bed and gently wiped down YoonGi's face and neck. My room was dark but there was enough light spilling into the room through the curtains that it wasn't too dark to see. I could hear YoonGi exhale deeply and his head lulled to the side. "I got you Gi." Slipped from my lips. "Here Kook. Get him to take this and here's a bottle of water. Hobi said this should help and he's talking to NamJoon right now." JiMin whispered as he handed me the items. "Hobi said that even though he isn't responding to us he can still drink and swallow so it shouldn't be a problem." "Thank you JiMin-ah." "I know this is hard but you are doing great with him. It'll all work out, okay?" JiMin spoke with a soft smile. "Thanks." I whispered out.

     JiMin left my room, closing the door behind him and I carefully sat YoonGi up. "This will help Hyung, I need you to take this for me, okay?" I whispered as I placed the two pills in his mouth, opened the bottle of water and held it to his lips for him. He drink some and then I gently laid him back in the bed. I watched his eyes close and he exhaled deeply. I patted his head again with the cool damp cloth before taking it back to the bathroom. I returned back to my bed quickly, carefully getting back into bed next him. As soon as I laid down next to him YoonGi leaned his head onto my shoulder and he slowly ran his hand across my stomach, wrapping it around my waist. "Thank... you...." YoonGi mumbled out against my skin. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. "I love you Gi."

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