A year on venus

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Fate epilogue is coming this week!!!! Inshaa Allah. Who's excited because i am. I can't wait to see how Saif and Ilhan have been all these while, were they able to get any kids? Did ilhan travel round the world? What have they really been up-to? Are they still together? Did they got their separate ways? I just can't wait to see what these lovers been up-to really!😁

But before that stay tuned with my new book; a year on venus! Honestly its my favorite book so far!

And you need to check out my other books ; falling for grumpy and diary of Reshma too!

If you love commedy diary of Reshma and falling for grumpy are the right choices for you😁❤️ i love you guys!

Introducing my new book a year on venus❤️ you guys gonna love it so much.

A year on venus

In the year 2012 I was back in my homeland just to find it evilly burnt down. This place I used to call home doesn't shelter any of my family anymore. This place that was freely gifting me the laughter of loved ones, doesn't do so anymore. No matter the price, I wouldn't wish for my enemy to experience even the slightest of what I've experienced.

I'm here standing all by myself in the middle of Hausari with pain striking through the farthest vein in my heart. All I wish for, was to hear that laughter erupting out of my mom's mouth. All I wanted was to see that smile on my father's face. All I wanted was to see the only sibling I had and tell him how much he means to me. But instead, I'm faced with the most silent place in the history of mankind. The most darkest place that would deceive anyone to believed no soul has ever occupied this land.

Someone did this to the city that used to shelter my beloveds. This was a place I used to call home.

And now here I was, standing amidst skeletal frames that might be of my family, with my feet atop a skull that might be of my mother!

I slowly and miserably sunk down to the floor. I heard someone calling my name, but I couldn't answer. I just buried my head in my hands and began crying away my heart and praying to Allah to ease my pain. Because whoever did this, did it so mercilessly that I wonder if they ever heard of a word called loved ones!

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