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'Alhamdulillah. Finally done. You can call this guy Engineer Saif.'

Saif had just finished his studies, he had texted me he was done. 

I was happy because I knew he was. And I could imagine how happy he got while typing out that text.

I called out Nana that was in mommy's room.

She quickly came over, "do you need anything?" She asked.

"Yeah please tell mommy that Saif just finished up his seminar successfully and he's done studying." I said wheeling myself towards her a little, with my hands to the wheel of my chair.

"Wow mashaa Allah. That's so nice. I'm so happy for him." She said before vanishing away from the room in her haste to tell our mom the good news.

Actually we've been back in Nigeria for almost 7 months now. Alhamdulillah i've gotten better. I still use wheel chair but i've gotten a lot better, I was told by the doctors that it's gonna be a matter of time before I regain back my legs and have them being functional again. But it wasn't a fact, it was based on probability. Probably i'll have it and probably no!

Saif has been his Saif. He'd been saying he wants me to actually consider him again, since he doesn't smoke anymore. It was Mamaji that went and told him I had a thing for him, then he came back saying he'd always wanted us to end up but he just couldn't voice out as it would be selfish of him. Especially the fact that i've already said no. But then he was working hard and have come so far in discarding his old habits, and I've seen that also. He neither do drugs nor smokes now. He's just a good person. But I just thought accepting him now would be so selfish of me. I didn't choose him for him why would I let him choose me for me, even though he'd always chosen me for me?

He'd promised to be here first thing, immediately he hit the country. I joked and told him he couldn't, but he said he'll prove me otherwise. So now I would have to wait and see! I have a feeling I won't even see him till in weeks or more! But who knows! Probably he's gonna keep to his word and probably he's gonna show up after weeks then talk about how busy everything got that it's not at all how he expected!


Actually when I told Ilhan I would be at her place immediately i got in 9ja I wasn't kidding. I meant it. She thought I wouldn't show up firstly at her house! But I was so sure of it! I would firstly drop by at her house Inshaa Allah. In fact I got a little surprise for her.

With a smile on my face and a bag pack attached to my back, I walked gracefully till I got on the PJ, and I looked at Germany for the last time before nodding my head and smiling widely. Such is life! Always full of surprises. This was the land my dad always wanted me to be at, the land I thought if I came here I won't ever go back to Nigeria till in 50 years. But look at me now! Look at how things have changed in such a lil span of time! I just can't believe it! In fact I doubt i'll ever come back here, unless if Ilhan's medications requires coming back here, which I highly doubt!

We all have hope that someday she's gonna be able to walk again, stand up on her legs and make a great use of them.

I arrived at Nigeria. My flight landed safely Alhamdulillah. Just as I promised Ilhan I found myself about to go to her house and right there one of my dad's securities appeared out of nowhere. He welcomed me before saying I had to come with him.

"I can't and get out of my way!" I knew for my peace of mind I needed to be treating them this way now! If not they won't ever allow me do a thing as I want! People at the airport terminal began giving us weird glances at the rate I raised up my voice, and it was quite embarrassing.

I shifted closer to him, lowering my figure down to his ear, before clearing my voice and lowering my voice, "I'll mock some sense in to you guy's brains. I won't be tolerating what you've been doing to me anymore." I bellowed out in anger.

I know now that i'm back for good and will actually be living here, if I say i'll be giving them the privilege of ordering me around anyhow then i'm sure I won't get any freedom out of it, and i might end up miserably depressed.

"I received an order..." He began when I shot him the glare of life that muted him off.

And right there I knew it was the start of something new!

So instead of bothering myself with taking a public fair, I decided to even order him around to take me to Ilhan's, since he's now afraid of me.

Once we dropped by at the house I cleared my voice again, "not a word about this to anyone! Keep all my movements confidential, you gotta be my personal driver from now on. Not a word to Dad about this, not a word to any of your colleagues, because I just hired you to be working for me NOT dad!"

"Yes sir!" He said, but I could hear some irritations from his voice. I just can't ever get why they are so loyal to father!

I saw him trying to open the door for me as he got off the car while I was still inside trying to text Ilhan. I quickly tried getting out so I could open it myself, but he beat me to it. I sighed before alighting the car. "Please don't do that again. You can drive me. But I have hands please." I said, and I looked at his face to see he was trying to smile! Weird!

A minute later she replied me, saying I could come on inside and I did. I greeted her mom, a very lovely woman. I exchanged greetings with her sisters too.

Once we were in a room, just us, even though any of her family members could view us from outside, I told her, "today ilhan you gotta give me an answer. I won't ever let you play with my mind again."

"I never once did." She gently replied.

"So you tell me, don't think of anything else. Just look at me and tell me what you feel about me and what you think if someone was to have me as a partner?"

Published on Monday 16th August 2021

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