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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah guys! I know it's been long, but that's because I haven't taken this book seriously. I know that too! But now i'm back and inshaa Allah i'm gonna finish it soon. I love the book can't lie. A lot has happened since I updated the last chapter! I updated it during eidl fitr if I can remember! Then I ended up losing my father, but Alhamdulillah, Allah has been with me all through it out. Please put my dad in your prayers. May Allah have mercy upon his soul, forgive his shortcomings and grants him the highest place in jannah.

"I know. Even though I can't actually feel the exact thing you're feeling, but I know from the way you're struggling to stop. At some point I feel like it's all my fault. Maybe I shouldn't have been quite when I first saw those changes in you. Maybe I shouldn't have shown much loyalty and solidarity. Maybe I should have just told our parents right away, but I didn't!" She said in an adenoidal voice.

"That's you regretting. It's not your fault! Can't ever be! It's been destined that way!" I had to remind her.

"And yeah everyone got their destiny. I mean the way we grew up, I never thought you'll end up this way. I'm so sorry Saif!" She said as she moved over and sat beside me on the bed, leaving moderate space between us.

"You gonna try, okay? Because nothing is impossible Saif!"

I maintained silent at that and swallowed a painful saliva.

"Also, always remember this Saif, you're one of the nicest humans i've ever met in life. In fact i'd say you've been the most nice to me on earth. I could have said dad, but yeah it's true dad been always there for me, but I'd still give you number one and i'd give him a two!"

Once she said that I chuckled up, "you don't have to lie Zee in order to make me feel better. Everyone knows no one can beat father when it comes to you. He's always your number one."

"Okay you're the second nice person to me."

It's true. To her, dad's always number one and versa. She got him as fav, he got her as fav. She's the most polite among us. She likes studying more than any of us and I bet that plays a great role in her being the favorite child of the house. She's always known to be Dad's fav.

"And mhmmm Saif...I almost forgot, dad called earlier when you weren't around. He was quite sad as to how you'll be sick and still leaving the house like that, he said to let you know the PJ awaits, you needed to be back tonight. Also he'd passed on a message to all the securities in the house to never allow you go out again."

Once she finished that I looked at her and we locked eyes then I saw sense of guilt in her golden brown eyes.

"Also...he asked...of your... health!" She stuttered.

I let out a sad smile before laying my eyes on her hands where she had them placed atop her knees, then I saw how she kept on twisting them, and no one needed to tell me she was lying. He didn't incur about my health!

"I'll need to go freshen up. You can leave now. Thanks a lot!" I just said, standing up and heading to the loo.

A while later I have already freshened up, I needed to take my allergy medicine as I haven't done that. I was also feeling the urge to smoke, but I knew I have to start from somewhere, no matter how hard it will get. Maybe, just maybe, I can finally stop some day!

Then I recalled the message I received a while before but haven't check.

I reached out for my phone that was atop the chest of drawer. I kept it there while I was proceeding to the loo.

I slide it up and saw a message from Ilhan's friend Aisha. My brows squeezed up at that. What was she messaging me for? I knew she had no idea what transpired between me and her friend. Or maybe she did and texted to let out her anger on me for saying something so important at a die minute! Either way, i'd just check and see!

I began reading the message when I felt my head going wild. I quickly hold my head with my hand as I let the phone slipped to the carpeted floor! That can't be!

I kept gasping for air as I steadied my breath, I began looking round the room, as if doing so would help get solutions for me. I quickly bent down grabbing my phone, then got in the laundry in search of the trouser I went out with a while before. In my haste to come to my room earlier on, I forgot to remove the car key and placed it on it's normal place, now I had to fish it out of my trousers.

I finally did and jogged to the compound. I heard Zee calling my name from the dining area, but I didn't even wait! I got no time for that!

Once I reached my car, I got inside and roared the engine to life, I got on a full speed and made way to the gate. To my surprise about five securities jumped and stood infront of me. I had to slow down the car. Then I waited, a bit lowering the window glass. By now the gate was already opened but these securities stood in my way!

I creaked my head to the side, the very reason I hate it here. Wallah Nigeria suffocates me. They follow father's orders like craze here!

"We are sorry sir, you can't leave this house!" The head of the security said.


I asked that fully knowing their reason. I didn't wanna come across as rude, but they are giving me reasons to. If my dad will be calm with this, I planned on leaving this country tonight and going back to my studies, at least i'll do it even if I won't be that serious with it, but at least i'll do it. It's better than not doing at all.

I actually planned on leaving this evening, after all I only waited due to Ilhan. And look at what happened between us. So there's actually no reason for me to keep on staying here anymore. In fact I plan on leaving Nigeria to spend the rest of my life abroad, about 50 years to be specific. I plan on coming back only when I know I can't find any trace of her; only when she's married. Because Allah knows it's gonna be so difficult on my part to see her getting married to another as far i'm in the country! But then we plan and Allah plans and his plans are the best! So now I ended up receiving the message that's making me hate everyone trying to waste my time. And these boys standing in front of me ain't helping matters.

"We received orders from above!"

"And that's heaven I guess!" I voiced out sarcastically, saying Astagfirullah inwardly. I don't like how they are taking dad's words seriously! As if he's the one holding their breath!

"Alhaji Salman bn Amir said not to allow you go out!" The top security said it again. He'd been the one doing the talkings.

Ya Allah give me sabr(patience) to bear with them, they are really trying me!

"You're giving me no choice but to run over you guys! Till i'm out of this house! And I ain't gonna stop till i'm actually out!" I shouted exasperatedly, adjusting my leg on the car pedal, about to press it harder than ever.

I got no time for this and they just don't get it! And I must go out of this house! Even if it's gonna end up in blood.

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