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3 years later

Three years later, after the last incidence with Ilhan, I saw her again. I never thought i'll come back in three years time, but I did. My step sisters had to get married and I had to show up yet again.

This time around I came to Nigeria just to see I had a son, I was quite shocked. Zee decided to keep it a secret. All the phonecalls and video calls we did, she never bothered to say anything. Turns out my whole family planned it all out, they said they needed to teach me a lesson, that if huge things like that were coming up with no one to tell me, it would mock some sense in to me and I'll finally decide to be in the country and stop leaving. Only if they know!

I met little Jundub, he's Abdullah and everyone calls him Jundub. I was so happy. He's the most cute creature ever. He's now two years old and looked exactly like Zee, just with a more pointed nose and a bit fairer mashaa Allah.

"Can I hold him?" I found myself voicing out regardless of being scared of babies, like I really get afraid of tiny babies. But I wanna hold little Jundub.

Later that day I got outside to do some shopping for Jundub and also get some things my step mom asked me to help get in the mall for her as part of the wedding preparations, when I saw her again. She was walking down the pedestrian way of Nasarawa road GRA. I never thought I would see her again. To think of it I always see her when I last expected it. And this time around she walks! They ain't any wheelchair! Ilhan now walks! Mashaa Allah! Alhamdulillah!! Just that I had no idea if she's married or not, I had cut off whatever would make me get a tiny bit information about her, so I knew nothing about her anymore.

I was happy to the core, just that I couldn't go on to congratulate her about it, because she might be a married woman now. And since I was in my car and only viewing her from afar I couldn't get the courage to confront her, talk more of exchanging words. She looked so cute mashaa Allah. Life seems to be treating her well.  Oh might be a married woman! Astagfirullah.

She must be having good time with her new guy, her boyfriend as she said, or maybe her husband by now. With that I felt something pierced through my heart and I forced out a smile, this feeling could be jealousy, no way I would allow it get to me. It won't be fair to be jealous of her when she seems to be having a good life. I should be happy for her. May Allah grants her all her khair desires.

With that I sped off the car once the traffic light went green, got in the mall, did my shopping, got back home, attended my sister's weddings, after all I came for their wedding, and just like at Zee's I didn't waste time in leaving the country immediately after Fatiha. Thank God i've given them their gifts the night before the Fatiha.

Immediately I opened the door of my apartment my card hardly made it back to my pocket when my phone began blaring.

I picked up and it was dad.

"You must be proud of yourself!"

What could have gone wrong? What could I have done wrongly?!

"Is this really the path you have chosen for yourself Saif? What is wrong with you? Had it been you waited and participated in the wedding programs as you are supposed to, probably you could have find another girl you will be interested in. But you are being too stubborn and too stupid to realise that i've been quite all these while only because I was thinking you will get some sense someday and realise you are at wrong and finally come back home. But no, I doubt that will ever happen! What are you serving a white man's country for?" He angrily sparted, forgetting that I could be a white man myself.

I let out a heavy sigh, "I'm really sorry. In three years time i'll stop working for them."

"Then come back home or what?"

"We will see about that Dad. I love you!" I said and he angrily voiced out a "whatever!" Before ending the call. I released an exasperated sigh before pressing my lips together as I leaned on my apartment wall, I was trying to concentrate even though my mind had drifted somewhere when a phone ring got me outta my reverie.

Oh it's my step sister!

I picked up and she thanked me for the gift, then she handed it to my other sister and she too, just like the other, thanked me for the wedding gift. I assured them it's no big deal before we finished the call. Again a third call came in, while I was still outside  my apartment. I groaned before picking up, it was a work call asking me about work stuff. Then a fourth call came in. Ya Allah!

I refused to answer and just got in my apartment and laid on one of the sofas. The call ended, I didn't even check to see who it was. However the phone blared again and I rubbed my nape out of annoyance. When I checked the caller, i realised it was one of my Nigerian friends. A really good friend. Perhaps he showed up at the wedding and didn't see me, hence decided to look for me. Finally I picked up.

"Hey man what's up?" I greeted.

"Fine. I dropped you a WhatsApp message and actually realised how busy you must have been."

"I'm sorry mehn! I'll check and get back to you ASAP!"

"It's about a picture you posted with a girl, perhaps your younger sis as she doesn't seem like your girl, and wallah habibi in whole wide world she alone I wants."

"I posted a picture? Me? Are you sure you ain't mistaking? No, that can't be me! I don't post whatever!" I said completely being oblivious of posting anything.

"Habibi i'm telling you it's your face. I dropped you a message immediately and been waiting to hear from you for days, till now that I decided to call. It's their in your dm mehn!"

"Okay habibi I will soon check and get back to you."

"Thanks Assalamu alaikum."

"You are welcome. Waalaikumussalam warahmatullah." I finally answered and ended the call.

Once I got on WhatsApp I had to laugh so hard at my own silliness, because the fuck that was me! And this pair gonna form a great match! I laughed hard like a maniac. But there's a problem, I didn't know if her number still works! Quite sure I still got her number but I had no idea if it works or not.

But right there I knew I had to give him the warning of life before giving out Nana's number. I just hope it will work. If not i'll have to resort to doing what I don't like.

'Men here's the numb, she's my sister, break her heart and i break a leg in yah!' I typed down while dropping down Nana's number in his dm.

I also told him to get back to me if it's not working. And my guy did get back, just that this time around he savagely got back at me with an invitation card and Allahu Akbar how Allah does His things! Mashaa Allah some people have it quite easily. Alhamdulillah. I'm happy for them. But I know and I was certain no way I will show up at that wedding. I can't, and I have my reasons! No way Ilhan will take it cool if ever I show up at one of her sister's weddings.

Regardless of being in a relationship or maybe married by now she hates me with passion and I saw that when we last locked eyes.

Published Thursday, 9th September, 2021

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